World Cup Tribulations









Anyone else here fed up with the World Cup? Is it wrong that I don’t have the slighest interest in football? :'( I feel like an outcast. Can’t wait for the final game and the whole thing to be over. Anyway, here’s a song to keep you entertained, if like me, you don’t care neither about the vuvuzelas, nor about Messi! I’ve been hearing it on the radio and I liked it a lot: Satellite, by Lena Meyer Landrut. Have a nice day πŸ™‚



37 responses to “World Cup Tribulations”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Guebara – جيبارا and Ghassan Deeb, Maya Zankoul. Maya Zankoul said: Anyone else feeling the same about the World Cup? […]

  2. Malek Avatar

    *twothumbsup* but i don’t agree with u cz im a huge fan of football πŸ™‚ :p lol
    keep up the good work

  3. Aouni Avatar

    It does annoy me to see people exaggerating in supporting WC teams, while in the end Brazil, Germany, or whatever team will not be paying or rewarding those people anything in return. Actually, it’s stupid. Those people are only gaining s**t and disturbing others by blowing car horns, etc…

    On the other hand, I don’t mind watching a football match and supporting a certain team .. I take it “bru7 riyadiyye”.. just for a change. But, in reality, if this or that team wins or loses, I DONT CARE.

  4. suhail Avatar

    XD So true!
    I feel like a stranger here, in Saudi Arabia, as most people around me are talking about WC while i know nothing about it, and i’m not interested at all to know about it.
    Tonight, I’m invited to dinner, and the host promised to offer WC matches, otherwise no one would attend but me XD .
    “I’m feeling like I don’t belong to the human race anymore!” Why I enjoy reading books more than watching a football game with friends!! I should be sick! =\
    thanks 4 sharing!

  5. Rudy chidiac Avatar

    hahahahah!!! its okay to say kaka!! xD nice one maya! amazing like always, bass its fun!

  6. Joseph Avatar

    I feel you. Whenever someone asks me what team I’m rooting for, they think I’m joking that I’m not really into football.

    I’m noticing that world cup fever is hitting my twitter more than its hitting FB.

  7. Johnny Avatar

    I 100% support you
    this is becoming very annoying
    and now with that vuvzela thing, i have no comment to say about that stupid “traditional African Instrument” (yeah right!!).

    keep the good work

  8. TripleM Avatar

    I don’t care… It’s just that ppl are so into trends.. you can see ppl with no clue who’s playing sitting on pins and needles, jumping and shouting all over… as for me, at least I know that I have better things to do other than waving flags or doing the vuvuzela dance πŸ™‚

  9. Penig Avatar


    For me I just can’t understand the people who hang out the country’s flags from their balconies sometimes its over than 10 meters!! :S oh maybe as you said they could be that “Religiously Followers” πŸ˜€

  10. Zeina Gabriel Avatar
    Zeina Gabriel

    Take it easy on yourself ya Maya πŸ™‚ It will soon end πŸ™‚ you know nothing lasts forever πŸ™‚ I like the way you view things πŸ™‚ and especially the army of small people following a dot πŸ™‚
    Take care.

  11. Ekios Avatar

    And not a word about the French team’s mess ?

    You are my hero Maya ! And yes, i’m a man … yes I can’t stand that crap any longer too …

    Thx for the last draw with the huge “give me a break” it just made my day ! πŸ˜‰

  12. Paola Avatar

    Amen to that Maya, if i ever see a grren field again i ll puke. I’m becoming a greenfieldophobiac.

    1. Bana Avatar

      hahahaha! greenfieldophobiac! thats so damn funny :p
      Yeah gosh! I used to like football but now i don’t even wanna hear the words goooooooooooallllll or fooooootbaaaaaaaaallllll!!! :/

  13. Riham Avatar

    Preaching to the converted!! Every four years I face the same problem.. I’m honestly sick of my active-like-to-go-out-non-stop friends staying in all the time to watch. Everytime I want to see them, they ask me to come over and watch the game. IT IS TOO MUCH!

    It will all be over soon. Then we’ll find new “internal divisions” as you said before to hate each other about πŸ˜‰

  14. Moudz Avatar

    “It’s Okay to say Kaka”.. hahaha that one is hilarious.. I agree with you 100%, people are very brainwashed and honestly, they are wasting their time, energy and money on the world cup, which is very pointless.

    I am very proud to say that I don’t give a “Kaka” about the world cup. πŸ˜€
    Ice cream anyone?

  15. iman Avatar

    nice post Maya and i am feeling exactly the same :)!

  16. Saad Al Dosari Avatar

    Hey Maya …

    I am really sorry you feel that way about football and WC!! A lot of people unfortunately do πŸ˜‰

    But let’s take a second look at it and from a different angel. It is a great social activity. Family members, friends, coworkers, and neighbors are all getting together to watch the games. Maybe even more, it is resonating with the basic instinct in the all of us, that is the desire to be in a group, to belong to a bigger social circle. Many psychologists explain people attachment to football using this reasoning!


  17. passing-by Avatar

    i pretend to be interested.. I’ve found a couple ways to make my life easier..
    1- You don’t really have to watch the game, but whenever a goal is scored just say things “Damn i missed that goal.. awwal ma shelet 3ayne fet goal!!”..
    2- Disagree with whatever anyone says.. If someone says Germany played well just say no they didn’t.. Similarly, if someone says Germany were horrible, argue that they weren’t..
    3- Be consistent throughout the match.. Don’t start out supporting one team and end up supporting the other one.. That happened to me once..
    Good luck fitting in at cafes.

  18. Darine Avatar

    Maya, you missed the crazy football fans growls and screams that us normal people do not understand.


  19. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

    OUTCAST! OUTCAST! Cease her immediately! Haha Maya alienated?! NO!
    I’m afraid this post would turn out to be a typical “femme” magazine article…

  20. nayla Avatar

    i definately agree! cheers 4 that! i wonder whether all these people watching football actually care about it! I couldn’t care less!!! U made my day Maya πŸ˜€

  21. Simon Avatar

    “It’s ok to say KAKA” hehehehehe
    that is AWESOME!! it cracked me up πŸ™‚ hehehe

    Just an update;

    #Nigeria 2 : 2 #South Korea
    #Greece 0 : 2 #Argentina
    #Mexico 0 : 1 #Uruguay
    #France 1 : 2 #South Africa

    More importantly, FRANCE is out πŸ™‚ hehehe yay!
    Maya is gonna hate me for bringing these football score updates to her blog! hehehe

    Love your work πŸ™‚

  22. Jad Fahs Avatar

    Haha Maya i liked the blog a lot and specially the twitter updates , i’m sure you saw my foursquare updates πŸ˜› It’s okay not to join the football hype , i was like you , nut in the end you’re gonna have to go by the saying “if you cant beat them , join them ” . But Maya please ! just cheer any team that playing against Germany ! πŸ˜›

  23. Luke Avatar

    That song by the way is the Euro-vision song contest winner and it was sung by Germany!!

    Go ALMANYA! πŸ™‚

  24. annie Avatar

    Hahaha,yesss that football fanaticism in Lebanon goes back to religious and political fanaticism ,ma 3andon gheyr Brazil w Germany or Argentine ,sorry guys looool!!!!!I go for Portugal!!!!!!

  25. Anonymous Avatar

    HAHA ! Try being a guy and not caring for the game πŸ˜‰

  26. Ekios Avatar

    @Anonymous : i’m a guy, and I don’t give a s..t about the game πŸ˜‰

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      Yeah yeah, me too, but I think that a guy, compared to a girl, receives a higher degree of shock or disbelief if he says that he does’nt support any of the WC teams.

  27. Doha Avatar

    mayooya, i love this post πŸ™‚ do u want me to tease u a bit?
    check your last pic in this post. a football fan freak would say ur encouraging barzil for yellow and green colors. he would write his analysis about u being a brazilian
    AHA !!!!!! :):):):)

    miss u mayooya πŸ™‚

  28. BeirutBoy Avatar

    I’m addicted to those worldcup songs! Go africa!
    You have a point. Ppl r goin nuts over this!
    But at least they’re not obsessing over somethin like politics and war and all that crap.

    1. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

      This world cup sucks big time! Stupid teams, stupid vuvuzelas! For once I wish this lot ends ASAP! (ITALIA FTW)

  29. moussa Avatar

    Count me in, although i like the songs πŸ™‚ btw, who is messi??

  30. Zouzeta Avatar

    hey Maya
    it’s been sometime i havent seen the blog πŸ™
    but i am here again and the song you posted is amazin
    it won the eurovision contest a month ago
    really good post although i am big fan of football but they are over the limits with all that
    but in US at the moment, it is not as dominant as in Lebanon…
    so i am having a break so come here heheheh
    see you soon

  31. Eleena Korban Avatar

    totally agree with u Maya, you are not alone !

  32. darinerachkidy Avatar

    u have to go to the hairdresser or the nail shops and listen to women talking about football!!!! so weird

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