‘Women shaping the economy’

I got to do some illustration’s for ArabAd’s July issue cover story: Women shaping the economy. Very interesting report, highly recommended! Here are the illustrations for you to check out while I’m stuck in bed for the next 3 days with ‘acute amygdalitis’…

And last but not least, here’s Neneh Cherry’s ‘Woman’. Enjoy 🙂


12 responses to “‘Women shaping the economy’”

  1. Luke Avatar

    Great comic, It blends the humour into the issue well. Keep on keeping on!

  2. Simon Avatar

    I love it 🙂
    Great post Maya, it definitely hits the nerve of the accepted sexism in Lebanon (and middle east)
    I always found it sad, pathetic, and degrading when i read job ads that include gender, age preference, and looks preferences! (eg: we’re looking for a female receptionist between the age of 18 – 28…) that’s so sexist! I would hate my sister to work in such environment!

    “we’ll have to create a new “sub-top-manager position just for you” hehehehe… still managed to add humour! i love it 🙂

  3. Riham Avatar

    Oh, I bought that magazine last night and saw that there is a “woman shaping the economy” article but I didn’t get a chance to read it yet. I skipped through the comics in the post so I can see them in the magazine later today!

    I hope you feel better maya!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Khaled Abdallah, Lin L, Micheline Hazou, Maya Zankoul, Darine Sabbagh and others. Darine Sabbagh said: Great illustrations – ‘Women shaping the economy’ http://bit.ly/bvmqlt via @mayazankoul […]

  5. Joe K Avatar
    Joe K

    Great work Maya, as always :). Amygdalitis doesn’t sound cute at all 🙂 get well soon

  6. Bassem B. Avatar
    Bassem B.

    I’m lucky to work in communication arts where there are plenty of dynamic, professional women in the positions they deserve. I guess it’s an exception.

    It’s my experience that most women handle stress in the workplace better than men, and can handle more tasks at a time.

    I like the panic button on that desk 😉

  7. […] ‘Women shaping the economy’ Maya’s Amalgam […]

  8. Haitham Avatar

    Hello Maya,

    I had the chance last week to learn about your blog, and been enjoying
    the quite interesting “stories” : )
    Looking forward to your new (signed) book! Until then, hope you
    get well soon.

  9. Dar El Akhdar Avatar

    Hey Maya!

    I work in an advertising company where most junior staff are women and all senior staff are men – it would be interesting to see how the interpersonal dynamics would change if the situation were the other way around 🙂

    Loved the “weekly grooming” bit! 😀

  10. Delirious Avatar

    Hey we saw this together while I was at your place!
    I’m glad I didn’t catch your amygdalitis 😛
    Get well soon! xoxo

  11. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

    أعجبني. أنت و10‏ شخص آخر معجبون بهذا.10‏ شخصاً معجباً بهذا.
    haha 3ande el facebook tab bel blog in Arabic 😀

  12. Nahil Avatar

    hahahahahahaha soooooooo trueeeeeeeeee i loooooove the cover/ its brilliannttt

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