Welcome to the jungle!





Looks like ‘green‘ is the trend these days. No, not the Marada green, the other environment protection one. After UNESCO threatened to drop the Qadisha Valley from World Heritage List, the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon felt compelled to bombard us with radio ads about the preservation of Environment. Oh and I got stopped in the street by Greenpeace activists. Let’s hope all of this will last or at least give effect!

Here’s the amazing amazing ‘Fever’ sang by Peggy Lee.

Have a great weekend everyone 🙂


10 responses to “Welcome to the jungle!”

  1. Neo Avatar

    Hahahaha….some day remind me to tell you about the “Money Tree” 😉 now that is ONE WONDER!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

    1. Jad Fahs Avatar

      haha i agree with neo

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Amina Amoniak, Neo Ajaka and Lebanese Tweets, Maya Zankoul. Maya Zankoul said: welcome to the jungle! http://bit.ly/d4XQus #lebanon #green […]

  3. Rudy chidiac Avatar

    hahahahahah!! xD! lol thats so funny!

  4. Marillionlb Avatar

    What about the condom tree and the syringe tree? I guess you did not venture into more secluded wooded areas 🙂

  5. Em Avatar

    Hey Maya! You’re on a roll the last posts, love them (although there’s maybe not too much reason to smile, most are pretty serious topics)! This one is so spot on!

  6. Haytham Khouja Avatar


  7. Marjan Avatar


  8. HommusBetheeneh Avatar

    Haha… Me likeee

  9. darinerachkidy Avatar

    it s always the same strategy…the gov becomes very engaged and committed for few weeks, then nothing happens and nothing changes! so let’s wait and see