Trip to Sannine






























































































I had an amazing time in Sannine! You could see Lebanon in all its width from the sea to the mountains of the Syrian borders. Lebanon has so many beautiful places to visit. It”s lovely to be the “tourist” from time to time. Especially when you live here and when you are too busy or caught up in routine to take the casino jameshallison time for such activities. Lately I am finding my tourist friends informing me about Lebanon, how shameful! This trip has motivated me to put a limit to extra work, and to make an effort to enjoy the beauties of Lebanon on a regular basis. Thank you Pascal for the motivation! 🙂

Here are some sketches I drew while picnicking in an old abandoned farm near Baskinta. (click to view in large size)


Any suggestions for beautiful places to visit in Leb?


26 responses to “Trip to Sannine”

  1. edualc Avatar


    I guess you were drinking “Rim” on your way:)

    Humm Sannine is nice, how about Korne El Sawda, the highest peak in Lebanon I guess 🙂

  2. EZ Avatar

    hahaha astaze 😀

  3. Thierry B. Avatar
    Thierry B.

    Le temple de Baalbek !!! Je rêve d’y aller…

  4. Eric Avatar

    Tienes que ir a Tannourine! El bosque de los cedros, el Bellou3, la naturaleza…

  5. Ali Avatar

    Hahahah 😀 you should try jehleye it’s very nice 😀

  6. Thomas K Avatar
    Thomas K

    JNOUB!! Ohhh… hmm, u are from Jnoub 😛

    hmm… then go to DOUMA!!! It’s a lovely village in the north, near Tannourine 😀 (see my pics on facebook bout it!)

  7. haythamkhouja Avatar

    I know you don’t know Beirut very well… how about you start there?

  8. Wissam Avatar

    where the heck are the seatbelts????
    tsk tsk tsk!

  9. mireille Avatar

    For some more nature stuff go to laklouk ! go to something called “el saideh”in laklouk.. amazing view

    then pass by tannourine, belou3 balaa… then the arz of tannourine 🙂

    Great view… really impressive ! … doesn’t feel commercial !

    if need any guides.. let me know !

  10. raed farhat Avatar
    raed farhat

    J’ai visite et vécu dans toutes les régions du Liban, c’est un pays magnifique que tous les libanais doivent découvrir pour être a la hauteur de leur identité.
    C’est a travers ce site que j’invite les citoyens a visiter ce petit monde qu’englobe notre pays car de cette façons nous pouvons nous libérer de tous les rejugés et l’ignorance qui sont a la base de nos problèmes.
    Dans cette perspective je ne peux pas suggérer une région a visiter. Tu n’as qu’a prendre la carte et de choisir chaque semaine un région et de faire le tour durant les jours qui reste de cet été.:D
    Bonne chance dans ton tour, et désolé pour ce long messag

  11. Mira Avatar

    I love the skulls! especially the red ribbon!
    Well, i think u should visit my hometown, Baalback. The citadel is amazing. I could take u there if u want!

  12. Ahmad Osman Avatar

    That’s my girl : )

    Suggestions? Tyre.

  13. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    HAHAHHAHAHAH the red foulard !!!

  14. Nada Avatar

    well i can suggest a great place where you can do picnic too “3youn samak” it’s a great place 🙂

  15. Rabih Salloum Avatar

    Gemmayze street, very cool, you should check it out.

  16. Wissam Avatar

    Btw, I wonder how many people got the reference of you wearing the red ribbon and showing the lets work pose…

  17. marie Avatar

    salut maya, excelelnt illustration sur une journée à sannine! j’aime bcp le dessin sur le trajet dans la avléle des crânes. en bosta, c’est comique.
    bonne journée

  18. Elisa Avatar

    Simply a-ma-zing!
    I’m an Italian journalist and I’ve been travelling a lot in Lebanon in the past two years.
    I love this country…it’s like many different worlds living together!
    I love the South. I think it’s wonderful and so unknown to many people to whom South means war. I find it extremely interesting, with its culture, its history and its traditions.

    Suggestion: Tyre, Baalback, Zahle, Jazzine…any place in Lebanon!

  19. Paola Avatar

    You should go to Aïtanit (where i come from) in the Southern Bekaa (wait for me to be in lebanon, i’ll be your guide) 🙂
    I just love walking in Beirut during the day, you discover the city in a different light (although last time i went to Wadi Bou jmil to take pictures of the old synaguoge i got yelled at by security people “You can’t take pictures of the whole street!!!! Put your camera away” errr….why????)

  20. D.R.Bouloot Avatar

    i like “the let’s start” pose with the red lips..hihihi never saw u with lipstick even in real life…hahahahaha
    i suggest u go to the mountains (north) ; u pass by hasroun, hadad and tannourine …my gd parents used to live in a remote village higher than tannourine called “3ain el raha” situated on a small river between too mountains.. electricity and roads reached the area only few years ago..has few houses less than 10, very smalll church …it’s heaven on earth i just love it..
    ps. take food with u, wear boots …leave ur car (preferrably 4×4), the roads are tight and not tarred

  21. Eric Avatar

    See? See?! everyone says you should go to tannourine. Andale!

  22. Zouzeta Avatar

    It is good that you made it alive !!! 😛

    love the sketches

  23. jimena Avatar

    Actually, my name is Maha . did you know that tony kiwan is my neighbour!

  24. jimena Avatar

    did you know that tony kiwan is my neighbour ?!

  25. Maxx Avatar

    Naqoura or (Na2oura)… You’d have to go there.
    Along the coast line, around 20 KM of sea to your right as you move into the beautiful wilderness.
    We recently bought a land there on the top of the mountain overseeing the sea… AMAZING!!!

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