The return of the kamikaze

Remember when I told you about the kamikaze phenomenon about a year ago?



Well, I witnessed a highly enhanced version of it. On Dora highway. Which proves that our population is getting more and more enlightened.



Presenting.. the kamikaze family! "Yalla mama, when I say go, we run!"





Mother and children crossing highway


.Mother pauses in middle of highway, wondering whether she should grab the papers dropped by her son. Cars around start panicking.


.They eventually crossed the road. And the boy cried for his papers.


.When will people wake up and smell the hazard of walking through a highway?

I was horrified to see a whole family crossing the highway (autostrade) by foot!! What was the mother thinking? Has common sense disappeared from humanity? She even had a “thinking break” right in the middle of the highway to contemplate whether she should take the papers dropped by her little kid! Suicidal! This is just beyond my understanding, and the scene has been replaying in my head for the last two days. It was that disturbing and does not make sense to me. Thought I’d start the week with some road awareness, we can never get enough of that! Road idiocy is born with humans apparently.

Here’s a song to brighten up your day by my very adored Nick Drake. “Time has told me”. And check the lyrics for extra beauty.

Have a lovely week! 🙂


17 responses to “The return of the kamikaze”

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  2. Haftrine Avatar

    Isn’t there like a pedestrian bridge on dora???? …. When will “they” be people???

  3. darinerachkidy Avatar

    she could have killed the driver too who might had taken dangerous solutions to avoid hitting the family…..
    i like the idea that she had ” a thinking break” in the middle of the road !!@@#$!!

    1. Haftrine Avatar

      well she had to think at some point…
      I would have voted for her to think before crossing the autostrade…

  4. ZuZ Avatar

    J-walking is illegal in most countries.. that said, i guess the boy now has an alternative for the “the dog ate my homework” excuse…

  5. Nahil Avatar

    no wayyyyyyyy !!! m a32oul! 😀 eh bess mish b3ide eno el ahbal yerkoud wara wra2o b nos din el autostrad… probably leb teachers r worth more than his life hahahharam!! but i love “to stop n have the car behind me crash me hahahaha 😀 mniha

  6. Riham Avatar

    Hahahahah. I say it over and over again: driving in Lebanon will eventually give me a nervous breakdown. no joke!

  7. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    There is white lines now on the road??? niiice

  8. Nour K Avatar

    such a tragic comedy… (the part where “to smash them or smash the car to my left or to stop and have the car behind me smash me” made me laugh out loud, even though it’s not supposed to be funny…)

  9. Wissam Avatar

    Some parents should have never been parents. Castration and Spaying should always be a legal solution for some people…

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  11. melicieuse Avatar

    we all know that what they were actually thinking during the “thinking pause” was

    sorry about the language

  12. […] Blogger and Illustrator Maya Zankoul shares her story of watching a mother crossing a very crowded and dangerous highway with her two children […]

  13. […] Blogger and Illustrator Maya Zankoul shares her story of watching a mother crossing a very crowded and dangerous highway with her two children […]

  14. Neo Avatar

    i had an Encounter with a Guy Crossing BELOW…YES…BELOWWW the Footbridge!!
    i wish you could Draw a Comic Strip about that 😛

  15. Zouzeta Avatar

    You happen to be lucky to witnesss that they lived happily ever after.

    I witnessed the same on the highway to the south, but unfortunately the driver hit the mum and she passed away on the spot with her two little girls screaming and crying and not knowing what to do…
    it is the most horrifying and sad and shocking thing that i saw in my life.

    people realize the danger but also without any bridges for pedestrian on highways what are the choices???

    by the way miss u Maya 🙂

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