The joys of moving #1
































As I told you before, we are moving office! Well, we’re not going far, I’ll tell you in the next post all about the new office, so stay tuned! 🙂 The whole experience of moving was a challenging procedure, to find bags, to empty everything and then to PACK the HEAVY stuff we have. I feel all in shape now 😛 . It’s funny how much stuff a room can accumulate over two years! Take some time to look around you and count what you have around you. You’ll realize how much you’re missing!
With this, I wish you all a lovely sunny week-end  🙂 see you monday! 😉


  1. Farah Avatar

    you are sooo funny lol well i know how much it is hard since we are painting our house and had to get hardly the boxes and the empting and the…. ufff, mabrouk the new office.

  2. Omar Avatar

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I’m NOT that thin!

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