In case you don’t know, this saying means “run from him, he will follow you”.
So my darlings, I’ve missed you so much, and I’ve missed doing those posts that I just do for the fun of it! Since a lot of you has been asking me about the slowness in posting such posts, well, I have to tell you that it’s 4:30 am when I posting this, and I just had to do it after I finished the huge load of work that I had for the day. I have A LOT of work in the horizon, so I’m sorry if I don’t post as often as I used to. Have a bright day unstalked by taxi drivers! 🙂 Grr can’t take a walk without at least 3 services honking to ask me if I want a ride. Well, NO! Because if I wanted one, I would be telling you! Uft!
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