Tag: Work
I keep receiving emails and messages asking why I’m not posting a lot. Well, here’s the explanation 🙂 So, my darlings, I hope you will be more understanding! I still have a load of work that I am happily finishing; will keep you updated! Here’s a song to brighten up your day: Trouble is a friend, by Lenka
My daily bread…
Just when I thought I had enough problems for one day! Sometimes I’m glad I’m not armed, because I would’ve had an appropriate answer to the “ma twekhzina danzelle” when Lello got to his car. I can’t stand it when visitors of the building block the way out for other cars, I’ve been through this countless times! Anyway, I wish you all a beautiful autumnal day! 🙂
Déjà vu?
I know, I know. The reason why we can panic so much is because we see terrible events from the past repeating themselves in a very, very stupid way. (Human are supposed to learn from their mistakes). But since I think we will be having a lot of surprises soon with the cabinet’s mission impossible, I decided to take things lightly, and not to panic unless things get REALLY messy. Which, hopefully, optimistically and idealistically will not happen. Keep it positive! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Busy Bee
Feels like I haven’t posted in ages… I missed you so much and you were on my mind all the time! As you can see, stuff were happening in my life in the past few days 😛 Most importantly, about the book: I trustfully gave it to the printing press who should return it to me multiplied by 500… I really DO hope they don’t mess it up *fingers and toes crossed*…. Besides that, had to catch up on a lot of work that I had been proudly ditching… and right now, I’m just taking a 5 min break to tell you hello, and to hope you enjoyed your weekend, and to wish you a great week-to-come! See you soon 🙂
Major Confession
Now that’s a sad truth! But I had to have coffee today otherwise I wouldn’t have made it through the day. But I promise that it’s the last time… 😀 Really this time 😛 I’ll go back to green tea and apples and all the lovely suggestions you so generously proposed when I took the decision of stopping coffee. Hope all your days will be as wonderful as first time in months coffee! See you tomorrow!
The delights of working on a computer
Last week the electricity went off for about an hour and a half in a row… I’m not complaining! That was a very timely break from the screen. I noticed that in this aspect of our work (only able to complete it using the computer), electrical rationing can be quite useful! It’s true that 8 hours a day (minimum) in front of the computer screen can be quite frustrating, but at least in Lebanon we get the breaks we deserve!
P.S. Please do forgive me if I’m a bit slower in posting this week, I’m sooo overloaded with work, and doing my best to finish ASAP to get back to YOU!
Beauty and sufferings
And that, my darlings, is the story that happened right before the interview for the reportage with al horra. I want to thank my colleagues through this post for their constant support! You’ve been wonderful! Now regarding al horra, it was supposed to broadcast the interview today but someone decided to make elections in Iran (since when are international politics more important than the blog? 😛 ) So i guess it’s postponed till later. I’ll keep you updated anyway. Now the moral we can retrieve from this story, or the questions we can ask ourselves: who cares about make-up and anti-cerne and whatnot. Honestly, I had never used those tools before my colleagues inflicted them on me 🙂 … It felt kind of weird, I personally don’t believe femininity lies in make-up or in colors. It lies in expressions, behavior, actions. I wish more girls in Lebanon would follow this belief!
Spick and Span
Now the sad reality is that I did this post to try to motivate myself to do the trimestrial desk cleaning. I realized on this special morning that I don’t have space to place my hands on the desk anymore, and the desk is quite large in size! So let’s get to work… Hope that I’ll really feel that relaxed when i finish the cleaning!! Have a great day 🙂
MSN emoticons
PEOPLE PLEASE! Easy on the emoticons! It would really save me around an hour a day if you used regular letters and words instead of the beautiful rebuses I keep receiving for sentences… Make an effort, it’s very easy to delete the dancing question marks, or the jumping “OK’s”. Thank you from the heart! 😉 In case you still don’t know how to delete them, you can learn by clicking here.
*PS. The bus emoticon is designed by: Alain!
Let's work it!
Summer is coming soon, and we all need to fit into last year’s swimming suits so it’s the season for sports! It’s such a pity I had the intention of never stepping in a gym for the rest of my life, because it’s just another system to follow and we already have enough rules… But unfortunately, I think I might be obliged to do so urgently. I was breathless at climbing the stairs to our FIRST FLOOR office this morning… This is serious… And no time for walks or runs in the countryside… What other alternative than the gym machines???