I loved this recipe so much that I had to share it with you! Hope you"ll enjoy it too. Now, some updates.
* - * LATEST NEWS * - *
- If you live abroad, and would like to get a copy of Amalgam vol. 2, you can now purchase it from website by clicking .
- In other news, and in case you did not notice already (and wonder why I have turned into a greedy, greedy woman)... I finally decided to add advertisements on my blog! Why not try to generate enough money for the maintenance of this blog by adding few lines of google text and images?
- Store added on top under the banner! More elements coming very soon...
- Last but not least, I took a break from the lazy days and updated the press page with the latest coverage (video, press, etc.) of Amalgam. Check it out!
Have a relaxing weekend! 🙂