Tag: twitter

  • Love it or hate it












    Just a quick note to wish you a happy week! 🙂

    And whoever talks about autumn, also says… Nick Drake! Enjoy this gem of his:

    04 Which Will

  • The Twibbon

    How to use the Twibbon: So, for the newbies, twibbons became the mutant of ribbons when people became avatars and words became tweets.



    Before: Ribbon - After: Twibbon



    The twibbon grew to become an independent customizable organism.



    This led to common use and abuse of the service, which calls for the below clarifications and rules.



    Please, one twibbon at a time



    Please, select a real cause.



    But please, make sure they're timely.



    Finally, remember that it will resize your avatar.


    Thank you!

    If you like Twibbon, you can go ‘”start something” on their website, as their slogan says. Ok i just had to let out what bothers me about twibbons. Today’s song is Jackson Browne’s Running on Empty, I adore the lyrics. Enjoy! 🙂

  • Buzz off! (+fanart#9)

    This guy has too much work, too many emails and an abundant inbox




    Sometimes, he gets distracted [by twitter birds]




    Well, nothing a CTRL + Q can't fix. Quit and focus back on work.



    Now, things will never be the same again...




    Google Buzz is IN your inbox and you can't quit it!

    I will be posting weekly tech-related comics on InterativeME website! That was the first one that was posted yesterday. Now seriously, what do YOU think about this whole Google Buzz thing?

    Before I leave you back to your busy days I want to share with you this beautiful fanart by Peno Mishoyan. Thank you SO MUCH Penig 🙂 !!

    And last but not least, here’s the song of the day, by an artist whose music has charmed me for the past few days: Andy McKee ~ Africa.

    09 Africa

    Enjoy! 😉

  • Traveling back in time

    Checking Twitter at work.. Sad expression




    Sunshine appears above my head



    More transformation. Avatars of old cartoon characters pop up over my head.





    Transformation begins. Maya's metamorphosis to younger days.





    Young Maya watching TV."Go Captain Majed!"




    Suddenly I left the office and went back to the carefree days of watching Cartoons all day...




    Thus, the Zankoulizer was born!

    Here’s the story: it all started when @arzleb changed his avatar to Grandizer. It looked odd but beautiful on its own in the middle of real-faces avatars. Then the trend started spreading, and each started replacing their photo with that of their favourite cartoon! Until @SamerKaram named it to: #ThemeThursday or #Thth. I must say my Twitter feed turned to a colorful page reminiscent of the old days when I would finish studying and watch Captain Majed or a Disney movie… It was a beautiful time travel day! 😉

    I’ll now let you enjoy ‘A whole new world’ from the soundtrack of Aladdin. Good old days 😀


  • Fanart#8 + interview

    Today I got interviewed along with Ayman Itani & Samer Karam on Future TV by Amer Tabsh, in Alam Al Sabah morning show. So I got to publicly express how Twitter & Facebook have brought me closer to you my darlings! 😉

    And here’s a very touching illustrated strip I got from Rita.

    Fanart from Rita el Hajj

    I have one thing to say to you Rita…

    Thank you Rita!

    Hope you enjoyed the show, and here’s a jazzy tune for you to enjoy on a breezy Sunday (a big thanks goes to Abz who has been emailing me beautiful jazzy songs!)  Lisa Ekdahl’s But Not For Me from her album ‘Heaven Earth & Beyond’. Cheers!

  • Life goes on…

    Post featured on itoot.net

    I woke up to hideous news this morning





    Ethiopian plane crash in Beirut, EA409



    I rush away from bed where I was reading the news





    Watching business man making statement on TV through press conference, heart broken










    Discussing with my mom. She asks me how exactly I




    Mom says "you have to be strong! what about the boat that sank off Tripoli coast last week?" I reply "I





    Mom says "what about the train that collided in iran yesterday?" I reply "I give up"




    Life is full of accidents. It

    I”m too moved by this accident, so I”ll just leave music to do the talking Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau”s Make Peace. Enjoy, and have a safe day.

  • Introducing Live Tweeting!

    And now… the project that has been keeping me just a little bit busy from you!

    Live tweeting is a real-time interactive web application for multi-language live coverage, based on micro blogging service twitter. Dec 9 – 10 is “the” internet event of Europe, Le Web, and this application will allow Arabic speakers to follow the event live & translated! I will also be translating on Twitter tomorrow.

    I got to design the livetweeting visual identity & website, and got to do some illustrations that you can discover throughout the website 😉

    Here is a scoop for you my darlings:

    Illustration to represent LiveTweeting from the floor of Le Web:

    Illustration to represent Crowdsourced Arabic Translation:

    Illustration for wrong URL page (404):

    Illustration for Error page (500):

    Now it’s true that I’ve overnighted a couple of times on this project 😛 , but the biggest credit is due to the team who worked on it, Samer Karam (who came up with the concept), Beshr Kayali (who developed the whole site! and in very very short time!), Mohammad Kayali (who did the amazing video you just watched!), and supporters, contributors: Meedan.net, Maroun Najm, Omar Christidis, Habib Haddad, Emile Cubeisy, Elie El Khoury… What do you guys think of the outcome?

    See you tomorrow on www.livetweeting.com!

    And last but not least, here’s a beautiful song to brighten up your day 🙂 ‘Make Peace’ by Brad Mehldau & Pat Metheny (WHAT  a combo!)

  • Trip to Tripoli









































































    The Tripoli tweetup was a great chance for me to meet lovely people in a beautiful area of Lebanon that I was not familiar with. I loved Tripoli for its authenticity, its vernacular streets, smells, colors, political posters – not to mention the amazing hospitality of the ‘traboulsiyyeh’. Oh it’s great to be a tourist in your own country, and in Leb, you can never get enough! I recommend all of you who haven’t been there to visit it and enjoy its beauties. 

    Who was at the #tripolitweetup? @funkyozzi, @azzi, @dashkoun, @sunkentreasure6, @sdarine, @beirutspring, @larazankoul, @ghassanb, @danyawad

    Last but not least, I met someone in the tweetup who will probably never know what twitter is.


    I had a lovely little talk with 14 year old Rabih, who was working on the boat, just like an adult! Made me wonder about child labour in Leb. I don’t have any idea about the ‘numbers’. But this boy’s eyes were so full of a weird mix of innocence and harshness. He went to school for 2 years only, but then spends his life working just like an adult. It’s too sad to see how basic education can be neglected due to poverty.

    Anyway enough for now, I should get back to work (I am super-overloaded in the coming days!)  Wish you all a great week! 🙂

  • Becoming twaddicted





































































































    Yes, my darlings, it’s been a few days that I’m addicted to twitter. When I wake up I check twitter, before I sleep, I check twitter. While working, I check twitter. Why is it so addictive? After all the resistance and the anti-twitter campaign, I have become a victim. Snif, snif. Well, I hope I’ll get over the addiction very soon!

    I’d like to wish a Eid Mubarak to all concerned… And to enjoy this day off, I’d like to dedicate you this beautiful song that I love,  from jazz pianist Philippe el Hage’s latest album ‘Sunday Afternoon’. I just can’t get enough of it! The sax & piano combination is…… Well, I’ll let you be the judge 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy it and hope you have a beauuuuutiful day! 🙂


  • Déjà vu?






























































    I know, I know. The reason why we can panic so much is because we see terrible events from the past repeating themselves in a very, very stupid way. (Human are supposed to learn from their mistakes). But since I think we will be having a lot of surprises soon with the cabinet’s mission impossible, I decided to take things lightly, and not to panic unless things get REALLY messy. Which, hopefully, optimistically and idealistically will not happen. Keep it positive! 🙂 Have a great weekend!