Tag: society

  • Special gathering

    it's that time of the year again.



    The annual socio-religio-politico-fashiono-masquerade gaterhing of all 5 family generations



    Palm Sunday - Les Rameaux -  Sha3nineh



    But I nag not, for the true victims of this are the children (this year I did not wear heels)



    Yalla mami wlek smile pour la photo!

    In comparison to last year, it was a much easier experience & I spent the occasion observing others – something I very much enjoy doing [in case you haven’t noticed yet] 😉

    It’s Monday, and I have a beautiful tune for you. This is another Joe Hisaishi, from the soundtrack of Howl’s Moving Castle. Enjoy and have an amazing week! 🙂

    Ending_ The Promise Of The World_ The Merry-Go-Round Of Life-cut

  • For better & for worse

    Last week on my way to work, I bumped into the latest exotica campaign for mother's day. It showed a mother and daughter with huge ear, and the slogan was "For the good and the bar, thank you Mom". Oh my! Where have their chic visuals gone?



    Then few meters later, another, except this time mother and daughter have oversized noses. "Hmm.. Are they seriously profiling certain physical traits as BAD?"



    Class Setting. Lebanese Society 101. "In the look-obsessed country we live in, we often see scenarios as follows".



    This campaign reinforces the complexes a lot of young girls have about how they look. Now, they might start blaming their mothers for genetic inheritance, instead of them understanding that a big nose -ear is actually, NOT, bad.


    .If I want to associate their slogan with a visual, it would not be as funny. Billboard showing mother beating child.



    Or... HIV positive mother and daughter



    As you can see, there are far worse things a mother could give to her children than a big nose - ear. Things they, in fact, could never possibly thank her for. In all cases, I have one thing to say: Thank you Exotica for the good and the bad! ;) In the hope the next campaign will catch up!

    You might say I am overreacting. However, the reason I am, is because I believe huge billboards have great influence on the large amount of people who cross them daily. Big corporations should thus think twice before shouting such messages at us. And I do know that “it got people talking about it”, but wouldn’t it be better if it also, on the way, got through a more responsible message?

    Anyway, I just had to say what I think about this campaign, it’s been bothering me everyday when I pass by it. Now, back to music, here’s Sarah Vaughn’s Broken Hearted Melody. Have a wonderful day 🙂

  • Q & A's for Agenda Culturel

    I was delighted to be the first artist chosen by Agenda Culturel to introduce their new section: illustrated Q & A’s. Here are the four questions and how I answered them. Go get the latest issue of L’Agenda Culturel for more 🙂

    It’s in French, and because I love you a lot, I’ve translated them for you 😛

    Q1. Que vous apportent les réactions des lecteurs de votre blog?

    (Q. What do the reactions of your blog readers bring you?

    A. “Haha! Let’s see what my darlings have to say about what I posted last night” They’re my daily bread. Their reactions encourage me, make me laugh & think. My readers are my darlings!)


  • Here comes the sun!

























    Well yes, it wasn’t about any light source…

    I don’t get why a lot of people wear their sunglasses in closed – let alone dark – areas. Each time I try to find the source of light that’s bothering them, I end up empty-handed. If you have any suggestions as to why this rite is followed, you’re welcome to make them public! 😀

  • Where are the lebanese parents?



















    I can’t stand it anymore to go to public family places and see this “maid” phenomenon. This modern slavery should be abolished. Since when do kids need constant stranger nannying when their parents are perfectly healthy? Unfortunately, the mothers seem to be more interested in their own sex-appeal rather than taking care of their children, and the fathers seem to be more interested in making loads of cash to spend on showing off  their fellow citizens. This aspect of our society saddens me very much.