Tag: Shopping

  • I can feel it coming…

















































    It’s here! It’s Christmas fever. Christmas is in 2 days and I still didn’t get all the gifts for friends & family, and the TRAFFIC isn’t helping!!  But anyway 🙂 now is not a time to complain! It’s one of my favourite times of the year (except for the items listed above). I love the lights and the gifts and the whole spirit! Have a great day (to those of you on vacation) and to the rest of you who like me have to work until the 25th… GOOD LUCK 🙂

  • I hate shopping!
























































































































    First. Yes I really hate shopping and I only do it to avoid going out in my PJ’s when I’m out of real clothes. I don’t get people who count it as a ‘hobby’. I once had some girls ask me as a normal topic of conversation if I think  for example that “june is a good month for shopping”. Evidently I didn’t know the answer. And whenever I go shopping I like to choose my clothes based on self-expression. I don’t care where they were made, or what is “fashionable” this time of year, of what Paris Hilton was wearing in her latest TV appearance. So as a result I also cannot stand vendors giving me their opinion about which dress makes me look thinner or which dress goes better with my skin color. And that was today’s statement.