Tag: sad

  • Dark interval

    A tentative to smile after every trouble. I’m trying to solve some issues of life, which as you might have noticed is affecting the regularity of posting. I hope I’ll be posting more again soon enough! Have a hopeful day 🙂 Here’s Keith Jarrett’s My Wild Irish Rose

    05 My Wild Irish Rose 1

  • Just like that…













































































    ‘Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c’est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours leur donner des explications.’

    – Le Petit Prince, Antoine De St-Exupéry

    I know this is an unusual post, but I just felt like adding something a little bit more personal than usual. This is dedicated to my little angel Nour, who always gives sense to my life when everything seems blurred or dark. Nour, I adore you. Nour checks the blog every morning when she wakes up, and I’m sure she will recognize herself in this post. We are the ones who should be called ‘with special needs’. We need special people like her around us to show us what life really is about.
