Tag: policeman

  • Once upon a parking spot

    I don't have a place to park, beggar sign


    help me, the place i usually park in has closed.


    i spent days, nights, weeks searching for a space to park


    too late to park here, already full!


    too expensive. parking ticket




    beggar spot

    The person who comes up with the best solution will win … (you guessed it) an iPad*! That’s the only idea for a gift that brands seem to have these days. So that was my parking nag for today. Now, Bob Dylan has something to sing for you. Enjoy and have a lovely day! 🙂

    Mr. Tambourine Man

    * The iPad part is a joke of course.

  • Parking Ticket Sticker – update


    The parking ticket sticker made it to the newspaper this morning! 😀 You can read it in today”s issue of Al Akhbar.

    _ _ _ _ _

    I”ve been getting A LOT of parking tickets around Beirut. So I thought that I might as well be courteous with the policemen working hard on adding the tickets. So I created those stickers!

    In English:

    In Arabic: [I guess the darakeh will understand this better]

    And because I love you all so much, I”ve uploaded the PDFs for you to download, print, and add to your cars!

    * Download CarSticker_EN in English

    • Download CarSticker_AR in Arabic

    The stickers are licensed under Creative Commons, you can download them, use them, remix them. But you cannot sell them. And don”t forget to mention the source! 🙂

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

    If you”re wondering how to place the sticker, here”s a HOW TO image:

    Have a beautiful week my darlings! Here”s a song for you 🙂 Nick Drake”s “One of these things first”.

    04 One Of These Things First

  • Parking ticket here!

    I”ve been getting A LOT of parking tickets around Beirut. So I thought that I might as well be courteous with the policemen working hard on adding the tickets. So I created those stickers!

    In English:

    In Arabic: [I guess the darakeh will understand this better]

    And because I love you all so much, I”ve uploaded the PDFs for you to download, print, and add to your cars!

    * Download CarSticker_EN in English

    • Download CarSticker_AR in Arabic

    The stickers are licensed under Creative Commons, you can download them, use them, remix them. But you cannot sell them. And don”t forget to mention the source! 🙂

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

    If you”re wondering how to place the sticker, here”s a HOW TO image:

    Have a beautiful week my darlings! Here”s a song for you 🙂 Nick Drake”s “One of these things first”.

    04 One Of These Things First

  • High-priority salutation































    GRRRRRRRR! Can you believe it? All this honking turned out to be a very creative and thoughtful way of saying hello to someone you cross in the middle of the road. Regarding the “truck that fell 3 days ago” that I’m referring to, here it is and here’s the aftermath. And before I leave you to your busy days, here’s a song for you! 🙂 Sarah Slean, Get Home. Have a great day!

    <– If this gives you “file not found” you can listen here.

    On a side-note: my designer-colleague Arine left the office to do her masters yesterday! I wish her all the best of luck for the coming year, will miss her a lot!

  • A pleasant encounter







































































































































































































    I was pulled over by a stuuupid darakeh (policeman) today just because I was asking an adjacent car for directions in the middle of the TRAFFIC! (meaning that the cars were stopped anyway!). At first I thought he stopped us because the car I was addressing didn’t have a plate number, but as it turns out “I” was the source of his problems, while he let the non-plate-car go. Very efficient I must say. After investigating and checking my papers, and asking endless questions about why I want to go to horsh tabet, he eventually laughed at me saying I wasn’t close, and let me go. All that, and I was late already. What a beautiful encounter it was!

    I think this is going to be my last post before the signing, so I hope to see you all at the signing, can’t wait to get to meet you! I now have to prepare the cookies and candy and marshmallows,  as well as the posters that will be hung around the room (yes, yes like a small exhibition). Don’t forget, if you need directions you can check the map here or, in worst cases you can call this number 03 866 007, but I cant guarantee an answer 😛 With that, I wish you the loveliest of days, in the hope to see you tomorrow! 🙂

  • Detektor 3 in 1



    Click here to continue the story!

    As I mentioned to you yesterday, this week I will be posting on maw2af.org.

    This post was created in collaboration with Elie Awad, conceptualized by him and illustrated by me! If you don’t know who he is, the pic below will remind you 😉


    Thank you to all of you who sent me feedback about maw2af.org, please bear with us any minor bugs as we are finalizing it… Have a great day! 🙂