A big thank you to Jenny Saleh for both features! Reminder: The exhibition at CCF in ongoing until Dec 22, so if you did not visit yet, it’s not too late! 😉 No posts today, as I am preparing you some “surprises” for the holiday season! Stay tuned!
Here are some photos from the preparation & organization of the CCF exhibition.
First, we went to Hamra & Gemmayze vandalizing the walls (with the help of Darine & Chantal)
Photo by Chantal AkkaryPhoto by Chantal Akkaryat T marbouta
at T marbouta
Then, with the help of Julien Le Bot, was the time to put up the posters at the CCF couloir.
Way in…Way out…
Last, but not least, the opening! Thanks to all who made it 🙂
Photo by Rawad El HoyekPhoto by Rawad El HoyekPhoto by Rawad El Hoyek
The exhibition is ongoing at the CCF until December 22! 🙂
I’ll now leave you with some spanish guitar to brighten up your day! ‘Big Brother’ by The Stephane Wrembel Trio, from Woody Allen’s Vicky Cristina Barcelona soundtrack. Enjoy it 🙂