Tag: Parents

  • Lebanese Laïque Pride

    I am NOT telling you my religion because it”s about time we learned in a country like Lebanon that you cannot judge and stereotype a person based on something that, in 99.9% of the cases, (s)he was born with.

    Tomorrow is the Lebanese Laique Pride. See you at 11:00am near Ain El Mreisseh.

    As for me, if you must know, well I believe in music. It”s the only thing I truly believe in. Here are 2 beauties for you today: Ella”s fantastic Mac the Knife, and Lhasa de Sela”s fantastic Pajaro.

    02 Mack The Knife

    09 Pajaro

  • Where are the lebanese parents?



















    I can’t stand it anymore to go to public family places and see this “maid” phenomenon. This modern slavery should be abolished. Since when do kids need constant stranger nannying when their parents are perfectly healthy? Unfortunately, the mothers seem to be more interested in their own sex-appeal rather than taking care of their children, and the fathers seem to be more interested in making loads of cash to spend on showing off  their fellow citizens. This aspect of our society saddens me very much.