Tag: new job

  • New job musing

    Bringing you exclusively..my new desk!

    Actually, a more accurate depiction would be:

    I'm still in euphoria-mode from new job. I guess the reason behind this can be simplified as follows [metaphorically speaking]

    a while back... there was a box.

    I know I’ve been talking a lot about this new step in my life, but this blog has always been and will always be the space to express myself, and I just had to draw those. Late night musings. This new job/setting/experience/life has given me splashes of motivation, positivity, that I can hopefully pass on to you as well 🙂

    Yea at this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if I started liking techno. Ok not that much 😛 Here’s a [everything-but-techno] song for you 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

    12 You Win Again

  • To new beginnings













    Wish me luck! Today’s my first day at my new job! A big thank you to Ayman Itani who made it happen; he is the person who has most supported me ever since I started the blog. Forgive me for not posting much, but the whole move and CC Beirut are taking up a lot of time.

    I wish you all a wonderful week! Here’s Lhasa de Sela’s De Cara a la Pared from her fantastic album ‘La Llorona’. Enjoy! 🙂

    01 De Cara a la Pared