Tag: MTV
Talk of the Town!
Hello guys! I missed you the past few days. I want to share with you this drawing I did during my participation to Talk of the Town show on MTV. It”s a parody of their TV ad that has been running, that you can watch here.
The show will be aired tonight, Thu 25 November, at 9:15PM Beirut time. You can also check it out . The shooting took 6 painful hours and I”m anxious about the outcome… We”ll see how it goes this evening…
Until then, here”s 2 delightful songs for you. “Strawberry Fields Forever” & “Here comes the sun” from the Beatles” Love album. Have a beautiful day 🙂
18 Here Comes The Sun_The Inner Light [Transition]Thank you Hayete for the songs!
Sunday updates
No comic today: it’s Sunday. Instead, here are the latest TV interviews I participated to this week (yes I know it’s weird, 2 interviews in the same week!)
The first was on BBC Arabic, and was about the blogging experience in Lebanon compared to other Arab countries. Here it is:
For the full episode, check out fellow blogger Samer Karam’s post who was also interviewed.
The other was on mtv and was about the blog, book, exhibitons, comics, illustrations and life. Here it is in 2 parts:
Have a great Sunday! 😉