Tag: Maw2af.org

  • Hack & Love



    But thanks to our dear developer, the website was restored, and people were posting their opinions again!

    Now I still have a lot to tell you, about the BOOK, and about the office moving (we’re currently moving our office, that’s why I might be a bit slow in posting) so stay tuned for more news! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

  • Elections preparations







































    Oh I just can’t get enough of this movie! Perfect for elections day. Takes your mind off all the fanaticism manifestations and so on… What about you, what will you be doing on elections day? 😛 In case you missed the recipe, click here to get the strawberry salad instructions. 

    Now go check what’s happening on maw2af.org today! We’re talking about election offices:



    Ohhh the suspense,  what could be happening in election offices ONE DAY before the elections? 😀 Click HERE to know!

  • Maya's Amalgam & Youth for Tolerance in the DAILY STAR

    Maya’s Amalgam and Y4t’s latest youth website project:  www.maw2af.org made it 3rd page on the daily star this morning. To read the online version click below:


    Thank you Marc for the lovely interview 🙂

  • Detektor 3 in 1



    Click here to continue the story!

    As I mentioned to you yesterday, this week I will be posting on maw2af.org.

    This post was created in collaboration with Elie Awad, conceptualized by him and illustrated by me! If you don’t know who he is, the pic below will remind you 😉


    Thank you to all of you who sent me feedback about maw2af.org, please bear with us any minor bugs as we are finalizing it… Have a great day! 🙂

  • About Parking Spaces









    After days and days (yes it was a matter of days) of super hard work, I can proudly announce that Maw2af.org (or the top-secret project I’ve been hinting to you about lately) is online, and almost perfectly functioning!


    Maw2af.org gives youth across Lebanon a platform to report and share on topics of their choosing: social, environmental, political, entertainment,etc. Maw2af.org is a non-political, non-religious website. And most importantly, guess who designed it! 😀 Come on, take a guess!

    This website is a project of the famous Y4T (Youth for Tolerance) the NGO that I joined and that I have also been talking to you about. Check out our website to know more about our projects.

    Now some extra news:

    • I will be regularly posting comics on maw2af.org (a bit like here, but more socially/politically oriented and that I’m co-working on with Elie Awad) so you can check them there. Will keep you posted the first week of the new… well, postings!

    • YOU can post stuff too! Photos, articles, shout your opinion out loud for everyone to read it, see it… Looking forward to see what you have to submit!

    In case you missed yesterday’s news, click here for the lovely interview that I had with NOWLEBANON. Thank you Maysam! 🙂