Tag: marriage

  • Quid Pro Quo

    Laila's Discussion with her granmother































    *Nefrah mennik = you get married (translation for non arabic-speaking readers)

    I thought social pressure for marriage starts for women in their early 30’s. But guess what! From the moment girls are born, they are brought up to “hope” and “dream” of the day they will get married (most women I know dream of this day). Marriage & childbearing is still regarded as the most rewarding achievement in the life of a woman, while all the other “career-related” achievements are only secondary and should be avoided if the financial situation allows it. This clearly causes a lack of confidence and sense of failure to some of the women who are not married – which I find completely wrong! I’m glad Kolena Laila initiative is giving me the space to say what I think about all this!

    Other Lebanese “bloggeresses” for Kolena Laila.

    Café Thawra “Fighting the right ennemy”

    • Identity Chef “The Lebanese Laila: 5 lessons in Marketing & Self Branding”


    Lara’s photograph

    • … (let me know if I missed someone! 🙂 )

    Now before I leave you back to your holidays (for the fortunate ones) and to your work (for the not-so-lucky ones like me!) here is a song from the soundtrack of a movie that I’ve been CRAVING to watch, but haven’t had 2 free hours in a row to do so. Walk The Line <3 The song is ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ sang by Joaquim Phoenix & Reese Witherspoon for the movie … Enjoy, and have a great day 🙂

  • Mundanité





























































































































    Did you ever have a chance to flip through a typically social Lebanese magazine? (bala ma nsammeh 😛 ) I have to say that I found the experience quite nauseating. Is this what happens in the private social gatherings in our country? Do people really look so fake in real life? Do fifty something women really have that much time on their hands for brunches and dunches and birthdays? I wish they would invest all their money in matters that are worthier than gossiping and showing off.

  • Gallantry still exists




























































































    I was very surprised to see a young neighbour-man I never knew existed bring me my lost sunglasses back home! Not to say I always lose sunglasses that’s why I never spend more than 20,000 LL on them. But still he valued them like a priceless object and insisted on bringing them back to their owner! I must say I was very impressed by the level of gallantry… I thought those days were long done, but I guess not ! 🙂