Tag: magazine

  • ‘Women shaping the economy’

    I got to do some illustration’s for ArabAd’s July issue cover story: Women shaping the economy. Very interesting report, highly recommended! Here are the illustrations for you to check out while I’m stuck in bed for the next 3 days with ‘acute amygdalitis’…

    And last but not least, here’s Neneh Cherry’s ‘Woman’. Enjoy 🙂

  • Illustrating for ELLE Oriental

    No comic today, just some illustrations that I did for this month’s ELLE Oriental magazine! More specifically for their report “ELLE en parle” which tackled the topic of “Hospitality in the Middle East”.



    Click to enlarge – ELLE en parle spread 1



    Click to enlarge – ELLE en parle spread 2

    Great stuff in this issue. Go get it now!! 🙂

    And have a lovely weekend!

  • Amalgam + Point, Ligne, Bulle in Femme magazine

    A big thank you to Jenny Saleh for both features! Reminder: The exhibition at CCF in ongoing until Dec 22, so if you did not visit yet, it’s not too late! 😉 No posts today, as I am preparing you some “surprises” for the holiday season! Stay tuned!

  • Amalgam in TimeOut Beirut!

    As Mustapha kindly announced it on Twitter, Amalgam is featured in October 2009’s issue of TimeOut Beirut magazine! And because I love you all so much, I scanned it for you to check it out. I recommend you to run get the issue because it’s full of so much more interesting things (where to eat, what’s the latest music, latest art events, cultural events, etc.)

    On the cover!! 



    On the 1st page!



    The way too nice article! (Thank you so much Natasha!) Click to enlarge


  • Mundanité





























































































































    Did you ever have a chance to flip through a typically social Lebanese magazine? (bala ma nsammeh 😛 ) I have to say that I found the experience quite nauseating. Is this what happens in the private social gatherings in our country? Do people really look so fake in real life? Do fifty something women really have that much time on their hands for brunches and dunches and birthdays? I wish they would invest all their money in matters that are worthier than gossiping and showing off.