Tag: iphone

  • October survival kit

    When I started ‘researching’ the October wallpaper, I realized that there are surprisingly no days off in October! It’s also the ‘back to college’ and ‘back to school’ month. So the best consolation that came to my mind was life’s simplest pleasures: something sweet on the taste buds and sweet on the ears …

    Download sizes: 800×480800×6001024×7681280×8001440×900,
    1680×10501920×1080, 1920×1200, iPhone, iPhone retina, iPad

    Now put your headphones on full blast and enjoy this song! (Toy Soldiers, Martika, 1985) Have a lovely day!

    11 Toy Soldiers

  • July Goodies [+ a b-day wish]

    Nothing like an outdoor Lebanese village-summer. You can download the wallpaper in the following sizes:


    1440×9001680×10501920×1200iPhone,  iPad

    My lovely readers, today, I turn 24. I’d like to make a wish [that I won’t reveal so as not to spoil it] and share a piece of cake with you. Thank you so much for all your support! In the hope that this year will bring more fun, interactions and projects!

    Have a lovely day 🙂

  • Defining Entrepreneurship #2

    Web entrepreneur: I spend my days browsing "websites" in order to eventually get hit by a brilliant idea that has already been implemented 10,000+ times.



    Green entrepreneur: i know how to seize every single opportunity be it mountain climbing or scuba diving



    tech entrepreneur: i got an ipad before you!



    social entrepreneur: we used to call it PR but the terminology was changed to fit the entrepreneurship era



    Music entrepreneur: my latest clip "hobbak nar" was a revolution in the arabic music biz. i had the brilliant idea of bathing in corn flakes. it was the right thing to do, my song has been top 1 since.

    Got more ideas? share away! :-)

    [NB: This post (& the previous one) are criticizing the way the  concept of “entrepreneurship” has been overused & abused on the web lately, in the Arab world specifically. Yet it does not deny in any way the existence of  “true entrepreneurs” who work/have worked very hard and of whom we are extremely proud 🙂 ]

    The content of this post was “crowdsourced over a friendly chat in Cafe Younes. And that was today’s lesson in Entrepreneurship 101! On a lighter note, the whole “entrepreneurship” parodies happening on Twitter are extremely hilarious, thank you #Maniachi team for adding laughter to our feeds everyday 🙂

    I’ll now leave you with the music of an artist I only discovered yesterday thanks to Raafat Hamze (who also happens to have great writings on his blog).

    Have a lovely day! 🙂

  • iPhone Apps for Lebanese needs

    Post featured on itoot.net

    I was very excited to collaborate again with the amazing Qifa Nabki on designing icons for iPhone Apps tailored to fit the Lebanese lifestyle needs!

    To know the story behind every app, click on the image below!

  • iPass

    Newspaper that reads: "Expect most innovative innovation of innovations"




    Newspaper that reads: "The Chosen product to be announced today by Steve Jobs"




    Maya eating pop corn in front of her laptop, saying "hush, it started!" (about Apple's Keynote)




    Steve Jobs says: "I was out of ideas, so I thought, let's mix what we already have. We have a laptop, and we have an iphone. Let's make something in between".




    Hands shown "baking" the iphone "so we took the iphone and we enlarged it like that"



    Person shown ironing the iphone




    And voila! The iPad is born! Incredible!




    Maya, disappointed: "I just wasted this pop corn for nothing!"




    what we learned today: when something requires THAT MUCH marketing before its announcement, it must mean the product in itself is not enough to convince. Steve Jobs must be mocking us - in my humble opinion. iPass this sophistication tool and stick to my dear macbook.

    As you can see I was disappointed by yesterday’s announcement, let alone how the name was ridiculed on Twitter later on with the #iTampon jokes. Anyway, I was expecting all this because of all the media buzz. Have a great day! 🙂 And here’s a song for you (that I heard on the radio yesterday and reminded me of the old days :D)

  • Sent from my laptop – with love!








































    Yes, that’s how I will end my emails from now on, because the medium through which we are sending emails seems to be essential nowadays! So I might as well specify that the email was “Sent from my laptop”. Proudly, mind you! 😛

    Have a great day my darlings, I’ve got a song for you today, a 2-piano piece by Simeon Ten Holt, Canto Ostinato. Enjoy! 🙂