Tag: internet

  • Alternatives to Skype in Lebanon

    The latest collaboration with the amazing Qifa Nabki! See what he says about the latest law aiming at stopping all VoIP [voice over IP] in Lebanon.

    The good news is that this law has been postponed for a month. Now we need to act on modifying it properly. Let us not lose hope… I can see clearly now, the rain has gone 🙂

  • Internet joke






    So this law is supposed to get signed tomorrow, and we have to stop it! How can you help?

    Facebook page

    • More info about it on SMEX website [they are working very actively to stop this law]

    • Follow #stopthislaw hashtag on Twitter

    • Spread the word!

    • Oh and check the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications website to balance the importance/need of a new law/ vs. Internet quality and presence improvement urgency, in the 4th slowest country in the world in upload speed.

    You can see previous Internet naggings I’ve done here & here.

    Other than that, I wish you a beautiful week. Here’s U2’s Stuck In a Moment. Enjoy 🙂

  • Killing time

    we all complain about not having "enough time"










    I guess that I’ve been feeling in dire need of more and more time everyday to finish all the things I want to do. So I decided to make the most of all those hours wasted everyday because of glitches in our daily life! I won’t comment about that I’m slow in posting, because a blog is just like a person, sometimes just too busy, sometimes too moody to post every other day, so I hope you understand! 🙂

    And here’s the positivity-spreading, day-brightening ‘Here Comes The Sun’ by the Beatles–can’t get enough of this song! Have a lovely day 🙂

    18 Here Comes The Sun_The Inner Light [Transition]

  • Live from ArabNet – Day 2

    All I can say is that ArabNetME conference KICKED A**! Congrats again to all who participated to making this event as successful as it was. I am proud of you all for organizing such a successful event to encourage the web in the Middle East and allow the “big” people and the “new” people to mingle. You have exceeded my expectations by far! 🙂

    Presenting the Arabic Web Font during the ideathon – Photo credits UxSoup

    Presenting the Arabic Web Font during the ideathon – Photo credits Ayman Itani

  • The joys of moving #1
































    As I told you before, we are moving office! Well, we’re not going far, I’ll tell you in the next post all about the new office, so stay tuned! 🙂 The whole experience of moving was a challenging procedure, to find bags, to empty everything and then to PACK the HEAVY stuff we have. I feel all in shape now 😛 . It’s funny how much stuff a room can accumulate over two years! Take some time to look around you and count what you have around you. You’ll realize how much you’re missing!
    With this, I wish you all a lovely sunny week-end  🙂 see you monday! 😉