Tag: Highway

  • Welcome to the jungle!





    Looks like ‘green‘ is the trend these days. No, not the Marada green, the other environment protection one. After UNESCO threatened to drop the Qadisha Valley from World Heritage List, the Ministry of Environment in Lebanon felt compelled to bombard us with radio ads about the preservation of Environment. Oh and I got stopped in the street by Greenpeace activists. Let’s hope all of this will last or at least give effect!

    Here’s the amazing amazing ‘Fever’ sang by Peggy Lee.

    Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

  • The return of the kamikaze

    Remember when I told you about the kamikaze phenomenon about a year ago?



    Well, I witnessed a highly enhanced version of it. On Dora highway. Which proves that our population is getting more and more enlightened.



    Presenting.. the kamikaze family! "Yalla mama, when I say go, we run!"





    Mother and children crossing highway


    .Mother pauses in middle of highway, wondering whether she should grab the papers dropped by her son. Cars around start panicking.


    .They eventually crossed the road. And the boy cried for his papers.


    .When will people wake up and smell the hazard of walking through a highway?

    I was horrified to see a whole family crossing the highway (autostrade) by foot!! What was the mother thinking? Has common sense disappeared from humanity? She even had a “thinking break” right in the middle of the highway to contemplate whether she should take the papers dropped by her little kid! Suicidal! This is just beyond my understanding, and the scene has been replaying in my head for the last two days. It was that disturbing and does not make sense to me. Thought I’d start the week with some road awareness, we can never get enough of that! Road idiocy is born with humans apparently.

    Here’s a song to brighten up your day by my very adored Nick Drake. “Time has told me”. And check the lyrics for extra beauty.

    Have a lovely week! 🙂

  • Rainy days & crazy ways

    Maya adding a "for sale" sign on her car







    Maya says "who needs a car these days?"







    Maya holding an umbrella, says: "It's been raining for few days in a row, and naturally..."






    "Our horizontally challenged highway has been very receptive! (shows a view of highway with water gathered on the side, and fish swimming in it)





    Outcome: Hummer passing next to my small car, and starting to splash it.






    Hummer splashing Maya's car with a huge wave of water. Maya looks terrified.






    Major SPLASH! on Maya's car






    I know how to solve this! (Maya shows in surfing outfit and holding a surfboard)






    Woohoo! Maya surfing on splash caused by big car passing on water





    "What? At least it's less noisy and less polluting than scooters and motorcycles!"

    The highway I’m mostly referring to here is the part between Dbayeh & Jounieh. If you’ve passed there after the rain, you might’ve noticed how the left lane is empty of cars all the time. I rushed to it (when I saw it empty) only to find my car starting to drown in water. So I decided to find a solution to this issue! And here you are.

    With this, I wish you all a great Monday. Here’s some jazzy reggae to cheer up your week start: it’s from an Australian band, called “The Cat Empire”. Enjoy! 🙂 Protons, Neutrons, Electrons ~ The Cat Empire (if you like them check out their other songs: Two Shoes, Lullaby & The Wine Song – Can’t upload them all with my beautiful connection)

    By the way: I fixed the RSS feed issue, let me know if any of you still face problems subscribing to this new link. I’m also starting to fill up the “Alt” tag of images properly for visually impaired people to be able to read the comics (as it has been noted to me on Twitter that visually impaired people aren’t  able to read the comics.

  • Blowin' in the wind








    Such a lovely song! Hope people will memorize the lyrics and use them to improve their roadly behaviors… On a side note, I’m still not figuring out how to add music to my wordpress, any advice is welcome.. trying smthg below, but its not working. anyway its bob dylan’s original beautiful song: blowin’ in the wind!

  • The kamikaze phenomenon



















    I’m sure all of you courageous chauffeurs who drive on the Lebanese highway witnessed at least once the “kamikaze phenomenon”. I can’t believe people find it logical to cross a highway when there is a bridge few meters away. Also note that I chose to put the rather “happy ending” of this phenomenon on the blog because we don’t want any martyrs in here, but unfortunately this phenomenon usually ends rather sadly.


  • Distribution of lanes on the famous Lebanese Autostrade (highway)


    I am just sick of having to go through this “exhibition of dead and squashed animals” every single morning on my way to work though the lebanese autostrade (highway). Couldn’t they just remove them or clean them ? or even better just stop squashing them! I, Maya Zankoul, call for a fairer division of the lanes on the highway.