Tag: Friends

  • The kissing predicament
















































    Seriously! It’s the same story EVERYTIME! How am  I supposed to know if it’s one or two or three? You always end up having to throw a “oh hehe I give 3 kisses Lebanese style!” or “oh! hehe you want to greet Lebanese style?” I guess it’s better to just stop greeting people completely 😛

    Oh!! First post of 2010 😀 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU MY DARLINGS, love you so much 🙂 And because I do, here’s a song (that I absolutely adore)  dedicated to you to start your year with 🙂 Kiss Me, by Sixpense None The Richer – it’s a classic!


  • So happy together!

































    I would absolutely rather watch a romantic comedy, with background music and all, instead of watching two of my friends cuddling in a very personified way. Trust me people, you don’t look CUTE when you over cuddle when your friends are around. Why don’t you try keeping your weirdo pet names and cuddling manners for yourselves? Some privacy always adds value to your relationships!