Tag: football

  • Diaries of a World Cup Non-Fan [ep.1]











    More World Cup naggings! Hope you’re all having a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚ย Here’s the Doors’ ‘Light my Fire’!!

  • Football & beauty

    Hello my darlings! I know I haven’t been updating you muchโ€“-I’ve been preparing some super-cool surprises that you will know about very soon… Meanwhile, here are the 2 latest comics for ELLE orientale that I haven’t updated you with for a while. [Click to enlarge]

    And of course, the song of the day ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a lovely Monday!

    UPDATE: translations added:


  • World Cup Tribulations









    Anyone else here fed up with the World Cup? Is it wrong that I don’t have the slighest interest in football? :'( I feel like an outcast. Can’t wait for the final game and the whole thing to be over. Anyway, here’s a song to keep you entertained, if like me, you don’t care neither about the vuvuzelas, nor about Messi! I’ve been hearing it on the radio and I liked it a lot: Satellite, by Lena Meyer Landrut. Have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚
