Tag: Family

  • Lebanese Laïque Pride

    I am NOT telling you my religion because it”s about time we learned in a country like Lebanon that you cannot judge and stereotype a person based on something that, in 99.9% of the cases, (s)he was born with.

    Tomorrow is the Lebanese Laique Pride. See you at 11:00am near Ain El Mreisseh.

    As for me, if you must know, well I believe in music. It”s the only thing I truly believe in. Here are 2 beauties for you today: Ella”s fantastic Mac the Knife, and Lhasa de Sela”s fantastic Pajaro.

    02 Mack The Knife

    09 Pajaro

  • Special gathering

    it's that time of the year again.



    The annual socio-religio-politico-fashiono-masquerade gaterhing of all 5 family generations



    Palm Sunday - Les Rameaux -  Sha3nineh



    But I nag not, for the true victims of this are the children (this year I did not wear heels)



    Yalla mami wlek smile pour la photo!

    In comparison to last year, it was a much easier experience & I spent the occasion observing others – something I very much enjoy doing [in case you haven’t noticed yet] 😉

    It’s Monday, and I have a beautiful tune for you. This is another Joe Hisaishi, from the soundtrack of Howl’s Moving Castle. Enjoy and have an amazing week! 🙂

    Ending_ The Promise Of The World_ The Merry-Go-Round Of Life-cut

  • The return of the kamikaze

    Remember when I told you about the kamikaze phenomenon about a year ago?



    Well, I witnessed a highly enhanced version of it. On Dora highway. Which proves that our population is getting more and more enlightened.



    Presenting.. the kamikaze family! "Yalla mama, when I say go, we run!"





    Mother and children crossing highway


    .Mother pauses in middle of highway, wondering whether she should grab the papers dropped by her son. Cars around start panicking.


    .They eventually crossed the road. And the boy cried for his papers.


    .When will people wake up and smell the hazard of walking through a highway?

    I was horrified to see a whole family crossing the highway (autostrade) by foot!! What was the mother thinking? Has common sense disappeared from humanity? She even had a “thinking break” right in the middle of the highway to contemplate whether she should take the papers dropped by her little kid! Suicidal! This is just beyond my understanding, and the scene has been replaying in my head for the last two days. It was that disturbing and does not make sense to me. Thought I’d start the week with some road awareness, we can never get enough of that! Road idiocy is born with humans apparently.

    Here’s a song to brighten up your day by my very adored Nick Drake. “Time has told me”. And check the lyrics for extra beauty.

    Have a lovely week! 🙂

  • The advantages of being the only Graphic Designer in the family.




















    Being the only graphic designer in the whole wide family is not always an advantage I must say… It is nice to help others from time to time – when “others” KNOW their LIMITS!! 😀