Tag: easter

  • Special gathering

    it's that time of the year again.



    The annual socio-religio-politico-fashiono-masquerade gaterhing of all 5 family generations



    Palm Sunday - Les Rameaux -  Sha3nineh



    But I nag not, for the true victims of this are the children (this year I did not wear heels)



    Yalla mami wlek smile pour la photo!

    In comparison to last year, it was a much easier experience & I spent the occasion observing others – something I very much enjoy doing [in case you haven’t noticed yet] 😉

    It’s Monday, and I have a beautiful tune for you. This is another Joe Hisaishi, from the soundtrack of Howl’s Moving Castle. Enjoy and have an amazing week! 🙂

    Ending_ The Promise Of The World_ The Merry-Go-Round Of Life-cut

  • High as a heel

























    I look at high heels as just another form of woman mutilation that has as aim the reduction of their power and control, a bit like a modern ‘chinese foot-binding’ (to those of you who don’t know what foot binding is, it was a custom of keeping women’s feet as small as when they were born by binding them.  Click here for the full story). OK, I’m exaggerating, must be the pain effect. But what is sure is that next sha3nineh I will be wearing a jogging outfit. Fits the occasion perfectly.