That and ‘what is friendship?’ Of course, before anything, A BIG BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SENT ME SWEET WISHES! My darlings, you made my day! Well, you and another fantastic surprise that was prepared by someone we can’t name. 😛 Have a beautiful week, here’s a classic for you. Enjoy! 🙂
Tag: Birthday
July Goodies [+ a b-day wish]
Nothing like an outdoor Lebanese village-summer. You can download the wallpaper in the following sizes:
800×480, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024,
1440×900, 1680×1050, 1920×1200, iPhone, iPad
My lovely readers, today, I turn 24. I’d like to make a wish [that I won’t reveal so as not to spoil it] and share a piece of cake with you. Thank you so much for all your support! In the hope that this year will bring more fun, interactions and projects!
Have a lovely day 🙂