Tag: Birthday

  • Very happy birthday!


    That and ‘what is friendship?’ Of course, before anything, A BIG BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SENT ME SWEET WISHES! My darlings, you made my day! Well, you and another fantastic surprise that was prepared by someone we can’t name. 😛 Have  a beautiful week, here’s a classic for you. Enjoy! 🙂

  • July Goodies [+ a b-day wish]

    Nothing like an outdoor Lebanese village-summer. You can download the wallpaper in the following sizes:


    1440×9001680×10501920×1200iPhone,  iPad

    My lovely readers, today, I turn 24. I’d like to make a wish [that I won’t reveal so as not to spoil it] and share a piece of cake with you. Thank you so much for all your support! In the hope that this year will bring more fun, interactions and projects!

    Have a lovely day 🙂

  • My baby turns 1 year old!

    My blog turns 1 year old today!

    Today, we celebrate Amalgam's 1st birthday!

    Candle blowing

    On this special day, I 'd like to thank every single person who supported, commented, liked, visited, hated... participated to making this blog what it is today. I could not have done it without you!  I love you all my darlings!

    To thank you for all your love, I have a  proposition for you: I am going to give away  3 Amalgam books, and I am going to add  3 posts to the blog today (including this one).  The 1st commenter (located in Leb) on each of the posts will get a signed copy of the book!

    So, let’s go, comment away! 😉 The comment has to be “Happy Birhday!”  So if you don’t want the book, just comment something else :p

    [If you already have the book and don’t need another copy, please give a chance to others 😛  & sorry about limiting it to Leb, but it’s a bit complicated to send the book across the planet at this time]

    I would also like to take this chance to give some…


    Let’s go back to the VERY FIRST POST I did on this blog! I called it “my tranquilizer” back then, and today I can say that this is exactly what this blog has been to me. I hope you all find your own “tranquilizers” and that next year will only be as good as the 1st one!

    236: Is the number of posts on this blog since day 1!

    2247: Is the number of comments you guys made on all the posts!

    200,000+: Is the number of visits during the blog’s 1st year!

    Let’s end it with Frank Sinatra singing “Happy Birthday” just for us! 😀

    Happy Birthday To You

    N.B: Two other posts will follow today, so stay tuned if you want to get those books! 😉

    P.S: This birthday was due on February 10th, but I have been over-super-busy to prepare all this, so let’s settle for March 1st as official blog birthday!

  • The dangers of specificity

    Get Birthday Gift









    Greeting Cards



    Name Bracelets






    casinontrey.com title=”And you call youself the best gift shop?” src=”https://mayazankoul.com/amalgam/amalgam/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/62.jpg” alt=”And you call youself the best gift shop?” width=”450″ height=”461″ />




    Gift Shops!


    We are usually advised to be specific. Specific makes special. I”m not really sure if this applies to gift shops. I”ve had a really hard time finding gifts for friends and family.

    If we want to be specific then, “autant le faire nous-même!”