Tag: bird

  • Buzz off! (+fanart#9)

    This guy has too much work, too many emails and an abundant inbox




    Sometimes, he gets distracted [by twitter birds]




    Well, nothing a CTRL + Q can't fix. Quit and focus back on work.



    Now, things will never be the same again...




    Google Buzz is IN your inbox and you can't quit it!

    I will be posting weekly tech-related comics on InterativeME website! That was the first one that was posted yesterday. Now seriously, what do YOU think about this whole Google Buzz thing?

    Before I leave you back to your busy days I want to share with you this beautiful fanart by Peno Mishoyan. Thank you SO MUCH Penig 🙂 !!

    And last but not least, here’s the song of the day, by an artist whose music has charmed me for the past few days: Andy McKee ~ Africa.

    09 Africa

    Enjoy! 😉