Tag: Bank

  • A miracle at Lebanese banks

    Breaking news! Lebanese banks & postal services implement numbering system to avoid waiting in line and to save time!



    BEFORE: we had to wait in line.



    THEN, THE MIRACLE: Numbering system





    2- Get informed of "THE MIRACLE".



    3- Nag about it and try to negotiate a faster deal. "But my transaction is fast!"



    4- Resignedly go to miracle and not know how to use it. "Hmm. This looks like toilet paper!"



    5- Have someone explain the "right" way to use it. "you only get one ticket!"



    6- go back to waiting in line



    7- When your turn finally comes 40 minutes later...



    When your turn comes, lady interrupts



    "Madame get a number, please!" "But my transaction is fast!"



    Take the lady to step 4 and repeat to fade



    If you’ve been at a bank [that I won’t name] or at Liban Post lately, then you have surely noticed the new “numbering” system. I had to wait about 40 minutes for my turn to come, so I thought that I might as well observe and analyze the different interactions happening there! 🙂 I wonder how long it will take for the new system to be understood by people coming for transactions!

    I’ll now leave you with this beautiful song, covered by Eva Cassidy “Song Bird”. Have a beautiful day! 🙂

    Songbird 2

    That this post is being added live at LAU social class!

  • I can feel it coming…

















































    It’s here! It’s Christmas fever. Christmas is in 2 days and I still didn’t get all the gifts for friends & family, and the TRAFFIC isn’t helping!!  But anyway 🙂 now is not a time to complain! It’s one of my favourite times of the year (except for the items listed above). I love the lights and the gifts and the whole spirit! Have a great day (to those of you on vacation) and to the rest of you who like me have to work until the 25th… GOOD LUCK 🙂

  • Nag Sessions







































































































    Wherever I go, all I hear is nag, nag, nag.  What I would like to see more is act, act, act. It’s easy to complain about how life was so much better abroad. Well, then why are you here? Why don’t you just go back abroad if it was that much better? I must say it was somewhat fun to watch three middle-aged men sharing a nag session at the bank while waiting in a long queue. It was actually fun to the point that I turned off my iPod to watch them complain. The nag process usually starts with a catalyst: the first nagging element/person. All the other naggers naturally follow. I so wish it was the other way round. If for every person who acted, or tried to make a difference, the others followed, our situation would be so improved. But well, I guess a lot of us take the easy way out…

  • ATM's and I




























































    I have a pretty bad history (and luck) with ATMs. Today was the pinnacle. I went to three ATMs in a row, at a time where I badly needed money to pay for the gasoline, otherwise my car would stop in place and I would be late to the (going-to-be-boring) meeting, and not one was working properly, and I don’t think there were other ATMs in the region.  Hope you have a lovely day for a change! 😀

  • Banks!

    Going to the bank








    Rethinking the situation over


    Revenge time


    I hate going to the bank. First because I have to go pay for my car every month. Second, because  i CANNOT stand the attitude of the tellers, who harass me with questions, knowing that I would really be somewhere else rather than be stuck answering their questions….