Sunday updates

No comic today: it’s Sunday. Instead, here are the latest TV interviews I participated to this week (yes I know it’s weird, 2 interviews in the same week!)

The first was on BBC Arabic, and was about the blogging experience in Lebanon compared to other Arab countries. Here it is:

For the full episode, check out fellow blogger Samer Karam’s post who was also interviewed.

The other was on mtv and was about the blog, book, exhibitons, comics, illustrations and life. Here it is in 2 parts:

Have a great Sunday! 😉


9 responses to “Sunday updates”

  1. Sako Avatar

    barbecue will not be the same this sunday!

  2. Desiree Avatar

    You make us all so very proud, my dear! Keep it up;-) *bisous*

  3. Josée Avatar

    Keep it up! You are truly a role model! Funny that someone dares to talk about what they disturb on! I love that! Loads of greetings from Sweden! GREAT BLOG!


  4. Saad Al Dosari Avatar

    Hi Maya …
    you are on your way of becoming an Arabic blogger phenomenon; either on your unique blogging style or in your critical eye to all things going around you.

    I would borrow what Desiree just said above (you make us all so very proud) 🙂

    good luck …


  5. neo Avatar

    smalla 3laike mish 3m tla72e interviews 😛
    Goodluck! 😉

  6. Jessy Avatar

    you’re a really strong woman Maya!! and i’m sure you heard this so many times before, but you’re an inspiration to many people (including me :))
    bon courage

  7. zerolando Avatar

    I got to say though. the MTV cameraman was an a$$ . He kept shouting almost everything but the specific scenes the anchorwoman tried to discuss with you.. Grrrrr

  8. Joe the Friend of the Sister Avatar
    Joe the Friend of the Sister

    I must’ve missed this! That’s amazing, im so happy for you 🙂

  9. Simon Ayoub Avatar
    Simon Ayoub

    Hi Maya,

    It’s great to see such a rich Blogging atmosphere in Lebanon, I came across your blog by complete chance, and you definitely opened the way to follow other lebanese blogs as well.

    Keep up the good work, and I wish you’d visit Sydney in the near future for a book signing.


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