Smokin' !
















































No offense to any smokers! It’s everyone’s right to want to damage his/herself. But I really hate it when I have to suffer the terrible smells of smoke, that stick to my clothes, to my hair, etc. I don’t get how a closed area can have simultaneously a smoking and a non-smoking section. I say we prohibit smoking in closed areas 😀 What do you say?


24 responses to “Smokin' !”

  1. Haytham Khouja Avatar

    no offense??? OFFENSE ALREADY!! Smokers don’t care about their surroundings, why should we care about their feelings? i say MURDER all smokers, oh wait, they’re already killing themselves…

  2. Ribal Avatar

    love ur new dress.

  3. Sam Avatar

    Very old and unoriginal issue you’re raising here.
    I say you boycott these places.

  4. Ali Avatar

    Absolutely right 😀

  5. Dayana Avatar

    Couldn’t agree more. No smoking in closed areas. Imposing more taxes on tobacco also seems a good idea. But of course, we can only dream…

  6. Darine Sabbagh Avatar

    Spot On Maya!

    Another bad thing I found out is that in Lebanon, contrary to civilized states, Health warnings from the Ministry are placed on the side of the cigarette box in a tiny font and NOT on the front with big bold letters. Shows you the ammount of lobbying tobaco companies have done!

  7. Raed Farhat Avatar
    Raed Farhat

    Le problème ne se limite pas a l’odeur des habits après la visite d’un tel endroit mais les conséquences sont plus graves puisque nous sommes forcés a fumer sans le vouloir. Et le TABAGISME PASSIF est nocif. Il est en effet susceptible de causer le cancer du poumon, des maladies cardio-vasculaires, de l’asthme ou des infections des voies respiratoires. Le tabagisme passif entraîne la mort de plusieurs milliers de non-fumeurs chaque année.
    Cependant le BOYCOTTAGE n’est pas une solution. La majorité des gens fume au Liban. Donc un restaurant ou n’importe quelle place publique préfèrent être boycotter par les non-fumeur que les fumeur. Ainsi l’espace de liberté des non-fumeurs se limite a leur maison (ça si les parents ne sont pas des fumeurs). Alors je propose de lancer une PÉTITION par exemple sur facebook a propos de ce sujet, et si c’est possible de la transmettre au ministre de la sante, tout en espérant voir la formation du cabinet avant d’être tous asphyxié.

  8. Alexandre Medawar Avatar
    Alexandre Medawar

    I have solutions :
    1. shave your head + wear ABC protection overall just before getting inside the restaurant
    2. go inside the restaurant and just said loudly “oh, it really stinks here because of smoke, let’s go elsewhere”, then exit the place

  9. Wissam Avatar

    this is a facebook page for this.

    but facebook groups and pages are useless without the proper action in contact directly with the interior ministry.

  10. qussa Avatar

    I’m with Haytham on this issue: Offense already!

  11. Mohammed Essam Avatar
    Mohammed Essam

    Actually, there are places that has something like balcony, or they just put some tables and chairs outside. So, why do not the smokers be outdoor while the non-smokers be inside the cafe? As a result, there will be freedom for those who wanna “kill themselves slowly” and also freedom for those who wanna smell pure air!

    It’s not only about smell, it’s you don’t know if there’s anyone who has allergy from smoke! Not to forget to mention that second-hand smoking is more dangerous than those who smoke the cigarettes itself!

  12. babagannouj Avatar

    “kill themselves slowly”
    i’m sure they are in no hurry. lol

    i’m just amazed that you shower with a towel on! 🙂

  13. dee Avatar

    this reminds me of something i saw somewhere that says.. “isn’t having a smoking area in a restaurant just like having a peeing section in a pool?” 🙂

  14.  Avatar

    I totally agree with everyone!
    Great illustration maya! 😀 I love the cigarette hair and dress 😀 they are so true and annoying!

  15. Kj Avatar

    Smoking rocks! ! ! Lebanon will never have the “no smoking indoors” policy… dream on people…

  16. Abdelghani Avatar

    it will be quite difficult….Coz restaurants would close

  17. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    They did it in France
    They did it in New York

    No restaurant closed because of that you know…

  18. darinerachkidy Avatar

    i heard about non-smoking nights in Gemayze, on wednesdays, ….many non-smokers enjoyed their night out without being infected with the “passive smoking” desease..
    it really worked and even attracted a lot of Media as well as non-smokers night lovers/clubers, ..this shouldn’t end here??!!!
    we should assist and support nonsmokers by requesting additional days and must lobby against smoking cafes and smoking clubs in all regions until they respect this peaceful request.

  19. SamSoum Avatar

    i say … ONLY IN LEBANON 😛

  20. nahil Avatar

    looooool i cant believe i skipped this one!!!

  21. Gaelle Avatar

    OMG , i say INDEED
    I really love your work MAYA !


  22. […] on October 28th in 35 pubs. The reason I was approached for the design of the poster is this anti-smoking in closed areas post. I hope this will become a regular thing and not just a one night event. Have a lovely week […]

  23. Taline Avatar

    Maya!! love your work.. very nice illustrations.
    I FEEL YOU 😛 hahaha i don’t smoke either and i love my coconut orchid shampoo 😛 lol and i would be happy smelling good untiiiiiiil i step in one the pubs/nightclubs…. yeah, actually it will work in lebanon, it worked everywhere and still everyone partied and clubbed. eve one night in gemmayze when they banned smoking indoors, ppl were smoking outside then coming in enjoying their night, a smoke-free night 😀 it felt good 😀
    looking forward for Oct 28 😀
    good work and doesn’t matter if this issue had been tackled before 😉 it’s not the point.

  24. Nino Frewat Avatar
    Nino Frewat

    doesn’t this contradict your previous post? 😉
    Btw, we are all killing ourselves slowly everyday; it’s called living 😉

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