Simple things















































































We recorded the answering machine for the new office yesterday. Don’t ask why but I just love voicing it! We should all learn to enjoy the simplest things that happen with us during the day. I think it is the simple things that make us happy for a small while that are the most important… Anyway I’m getting philosophical now, I’ll leave you back to your business! Have a lovely day 😀


  1. Jessica Avatar

    Too funny. I end up re-recording my message a zillion times because I think I sound funny…or I said a word incorrectly (to my ears)…

  2. Nahil K Avatar
    Nahil K

    pick MEEE MEEE MEEE ka2eno fi 7ada ghayrik haha gd1

  3. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    I really like the message of this post 🙂 Happiness comes from the simplest things. Unfortunately, its hard for a lot of people blinded by appearances and prejudice to see that, unlucky them !

  4. EZ Avatar

    Tears are coming out of my eyes Lara :'(, it’s so touching… Haha but rly the msg is nice 😛
    There is also another msg…some keep living their childhood till the age of 23 … haha (K)

  5. Panda Avatar

    You are fantastic. Your posts have become an early morning ritual and provide our daily dose of happiness and joy, notwithstanding how bad the day looks ahead. Giving joy to people is a true gift and blessing. Please do not deprive of such a blessing any time soon.
    Sincerely, a faithful reader from far, far and away.

  6. mir Avatar

    agree with panda
    and i link this post to another one you did before :

    now the freaks that hacked the website to show their love… should be calling and hanging up just to “hear your voice” … *creepy*… ( hope not )

  7. Reine Avatar

    yeap indeed, the small things in life are the things that make it beautiful

  8. Omar Avatar

    I leave work for one day and i’m already backstabbed in two posts! Monday maya, monday, you’ll see!

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