Rainy days & crazy ways

Maya adding a "for sale" sign on her car







Maya says "who needs a car these days?"







Maya holding an umbrella, says: "It's been raining for few days in a row, and naturally..."






"Our horizontally challenged highway has been very receptive! (shows a view of highway with water gathered on the side, and fish swimming in it)





Outcome: Hummer passing next to my small car, and starting to splash it.






Hummer splashing Maya's car with a huge wave of water. Maya looks terrified.






Major SPLASH! on Maya's car






I know how to solve this! (Maya shows in surfing outfit and holding a surfboard)






Woohoo! Maya surfing on splash caused by big car passing on water





"What? At least it's less noisy and less polluting than scooters and motorcycles!"

The highway I’m mostly referring to here is the part between Dbayeh & Jounieh. If you’ve passed there after the rain, you might’ve noticed how the left lane is empty of cars all the time. I rushed to it (when I saw it empty) only to find my car starting to drown in water. So I decided to find a solution to this issue! And here you are.

With this, I wish you all a great Monday. Here’s some jazzy reggae to cheer up your week start: it’s from an Australian band, called “The Cat Empire”. Enjoy! πŸ™‚Β Protons, Neutrons, Electrons ~ The Cat Empire (if you like them check out their other songs: Two Shoes, Lullaby & The Wine Song – Can’t upload them all with my beautiful connection)

By the way: I fixed the RSS feed issue, let me know if any of you still face problems subscribing to this new link. I’m also starting to fill up the “Alt” tag of images properly for visually impaired people to be able to read the comics (as it has been noted to me on Twitter that visually impaired people aren’t Β able to read the comics.


10 responses to “Rainy days & crazy ways”

  1. nightS Avatar

    Well add Beirut/Saida Highway fits perfectly here as well..actually all of the dear Lebanon roads fit in your comic πŸ˜€
    And paying attention to the alt tags isn’t just for the visually impaired..it’ll help you with SEO(Google will see more of your post and gets you in its results more) as well..also for screen readers and robots to read more of your post..the target these days is much larger than visually impaired visitors(which is not a “few” by the way)
    ..you’re doing a great job πŸ™‚

  2. Nahil Avatar

    hahahaha Mayaaa πŸ˜€ good solution ya problem solver! πŸ˜› btw congrats on the site. lookin great πŸ˜‰ keep it up!!

  3. JOESBOX Avatar

    My solution is better get a new Hummer or an FJ CTUISER !

  4. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Drive safely when it rains… http://bit.ly/6nVQm3

  5. Mr Robotics Avatar

    These are great. I like the picture riding the wave I hope it didn’t get swept out to sea.

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Peno Mishoyan, Chantal Akkary, Maya Zankoul, Dara Mouracade, Youssef Alam and others. Youssef Alam said: RT @MayaZankoul: Drive safely when it rains… http://bit.ly/6nVQm3 […]

  7. darinerachkidy Avatar

    i like the nail polish on ur toes while surfing as a demo….hahahahahaha

  8. Tarek Avatar

    I like this one, by the way, after seeing the Hindi numbers written on the car, I now believe you never write anything in Arabic πŸ˜›

  9. Sain Avatar

    hahahaha nice one! πŸ˜‰

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