Q & A: Friday Evening

Q: What is worse than friday eve traffic in beirut? A: Friday eve traffic in Beirut, around Christmas time and in the rain

When you need to go somewhere on Friday evenings  (around Christmas time and in the rain), make sure you quadruple your estimated time! But at least, our rain dances were answered 😉

Thank you all so so much for sending me answers to the Streetiquette Quiz! I loved reading them, and results will be announced tomorrow!

Until then, have a beautiful & warm Saturday 🙂

Little Drummer Boy


4 responses to “Q & A: Friday Evening”

  1. Rudy Chidiac Avatar

    i love ‘the thinker’ pose 😛
    and lol it’s true

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Qwaider Planet, Rudy chidiac, wael nabbout, A Bare Truth, Maya Zankoul and others. Maya Zankoul said: Q & A: What is worse than Friday eve traffic in Beirut? http://bit.ly/dHACgw […]

  3. Karma Avatar

    Yeah I think we danced too hard!

  4. Hommus Betheeneh Avatar
    Hommus Betheeneh

    Shooooooooooooooooooooooooooowhoooooooou… Somebody’s having a lot of free time!
    (Hoping you get the tone)
    Yekhze el 3ein 3annik *knock knock*
    Keep em coming

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