• Defining Entrepreneurship

    This week’s comic for InteractiveME

    Yea I just had to say what I really think about the term “entrepreneur” being overused like that over the web.

    Check out PART 2 of “Defining Entrepreneurship”.

    Wish you a lovely day! πŸ™‚

  • The return of the kamikaze

    Remember when I told you about the kamikaze phenomenon about a year ago?



    Well, I witnessed a highly enhanced version of it. On Dora highway. Which proves that our population is getting more and more enlightened.



    Presenting.. the kamikaze family! "Yalla mama, when I say go, we run!"





    Mother and children crossing highway


    .Mother pauses in middle of highway, wondering whether she should grab the papers dropped by her son. Cars around start panicking.


    .They eventually crossed the road. And the boy cried for his papers.


    .When will people wake up and smell the hazard of walking through a highway?

    I was horrified to see a whole family crossing the highway (autostrade) by foot!! What was the mother thinking? Has common sense disappeared from humanity? She even had a “thinking break” right in the middle of the highway to contemplate whether she should take the papers dropped by her little kid! Suicidal! This is just beyond my understanding, and the scene has been replaying in my head for the last two days. It was that disturbing and does not make sense to me. Thought I’d start the week with some road awareness, we can never get enough of that! Road idiocy is born with humans apparently.

    Here’s a song to brighten up your day by my very adored Nick Drake. “Time has told me”. And check the lyrics for extra beauty.

    Have a lovely week! πŸ™‚

  • Hospit(i)lity

    Visit to my granma

    Granma: "Let me get you something to snack on"

    Granma: "here you go.

    Thus, the altercation begins

    Last time I put it in my bag, it was a disaster

    Give up

    Candy placed in bag.

    Have another one

    Why me? Why?

    Forced eating

    I’m sure most of you have been through the complicated process of “diafeh” (=offering a snack for your guests). Especially with older people. They assume you’re too shy to accept or that you would think they aren’t generous/hospitable enough if they accept your refusal from the first (or tenth) time. But what if yes meant yes and no meant no? Wouldn’t that be easier?

    So, now that I have this out of my system, here’s a song for you my darlings! Enjoy, and have a great weekend! πŸ™‚ [Madonna’s True Blue! 1986, from the year I was born]

    [Sorry the player doesn’t show in RSS feeds πŸ™ I can’t upload music in here as my connection is TERRIBLE – yes, I knew today that Lebanon has the 5th worst connection in the whole wide world! Isn’t that amazing?]

  • Insurance comic

    Commercial Insurance decided to spice up their car accidents booklet. They approached me to illustrate the opening page: explain the post-car accident steps through comics. Very cool to see comics being implemented for such serious booklets! The text was needed in French & Arabic, but I translated it to English myself just for you guys πŸ˜‰


    Commercial Insurance Lebanon Illustration


    Commercial Insurance Lebanon Illustration

    & home-translated English:

    And before I leave you, here’s another Andy McKee (Drifting) since I got lots of positive feedback about his music πŸ˜‰ Enjoy!

    03 Drifting 1

  • Buzz off! (+fanart#9)

    This guy has too much work, too many emails and an abundant inbox




    Sometimes, he gets distracted [by twitter birds]




    Well, nothing a CTRL + Q can't fix. Quit and focus back on work.



    Now, things will never be the same again...




    Google Buzz is IN your inbox and you can't quit it!

    I will be posting weekly tech-related comics on InterativeME website! That was the first one that was posted yesterday. Now seriously, what do YOU think about this whole Google Buzz thing?

    Before I leave you back to your busy days I want to share with you this beautiful fanart by Peno Mishoyan. Thank you SO MUCH Penig πŸ™‚ !!

    And last but not least, here’s the song of the day, by an artist whose music has charmed me for the past few days: Andy McKee ~ Africa.

    09 Africa

    Enjoy! πŸ˜‰

  • Passport photo

    I need to take a passport photo - studio ludovic entrance




    I thought it would be 3 easy steps: shooting the picture, taking it, and everyone is happy.







    My turn. Photographer shouts in my face: " no no no too pale"




    Blush fixation




    Photographer asks me to act in a coy way, to which I answer that I would rather just take the picture




    Photographer asks me for all the coyness of the world




    Imagination break... I imagine myself forcing him to act coy




    Photographer forcing me to sit in a twisted way for the photo




    The outcome: very fake photos




    All I wanted was a passport photo! i cry

    Yes my darlings. I kid you not. The photographer consciously asked me to “act coy” or “etdalla3 – Ψ§ΨͺΨ―Ω„Ω‘ΨΉ” in order for the image to turn out ‘beautiful’. When he saw I was reluctant, he asked for “all the dala3 of the world!”. Do I look like someone who would act all cute and coquette for a formal passport photo? HE’S WRONG! I should have known anyway from the photo samples he proudly displayed at the entrance of the studio…

    Anyway, what better to start your week with than Brad Mehldau’s genius?

    Here’s his piano interpretation of The Beatles’ Blackbird.

    Have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  • Sunday updates

    No comic today: it’s Sunday. Instead, here are the latest TV interviews I participated to this week (yes I know it’s weird, 2 interviews in the same week!)

    The first was on BBC Arabic, and was about the blogging experience in Lebanon compared to other Arab countries. Here it is:

    For the full episode, check out fellow blogger Samer Karam’s post who was also interviewed.

    The other was on mtv and was about the blog, book, exhibitons, comics, illustrations and life. Here it is in 2 parts:

    Have a great Sunday! πŸ˜‰

  • Traveling back in time

    Checking Twitter at work.. Sad expression




    Sunshine appears above my head



    More transformation. Avatars of old cartoon characters pop up over my head.





    Transformation begins. Maya's metamorphosis to younger days.





    Young Maya watching TV."Go Captain Majed!"




    Suddenly I left the office and went back to the carefree days of watching Cartoons all day...




    Thus, the Zankoulizer was born!

    Here’s the story: it all started when @arzleb changed his avatar to Grandizer. It looked odd but beautiful on its own in the middle of real-faces avatars. Then the trend started spreading, and each started replacing their photo with that of their favourite cartoon! Until @SamerKaram named it to: #ThemeThursday or #Thth. I must say my Twitter feed turned to a colorful page reminiscent of the old days when I would finish studying and watch Captain Majed or a Disney movie… It was a beautiful time travel day! πŸ˜‰

    I’ll now let you enjoy ‘A whole new world’ from the soundtrack of Aladdin. Good old days πŸ˜€


  • Meet the 3 ‘ELLEs’

    Meet Vanessa, Nour & Ashley, the characters of my new comic that you will see every month in ELLE Oriental magazine. They’ll be discussing the month’s topic of the magazine from 3 different perspectives. They represent the different faces of the modern Arab women.

    Illustrations for feb 2010 elle oriental magazine

    This month’s topic is love & sex. Click on the image to view it in full size.Β (!)Β Text by ELLE Oriental editorial team.

    Comic for February 2010 ELLE Oriental by Maya Zankoul

    And let’s not break the tradition, I wish you a beautiful day with this song by Cat Power “Empty Shell”. Enjoy… πŸ™‚

  • February goodies

    Because I love you THAT MUCH, I decided to giveaway monthly wallpapers (that also double as a calendar) for download! This month I was kind of short on time (since February started yesterday) so I just have one option, with a very important message for you πŸ˜‰ Until the next month, let’s do some downloading!

    800 x 600

    1024 x 768

    1280 x 1024

    1440 x 900

    1600 x 1200


  • Freestyle slalom

    It's the season for... Freestyle Slalom!




    Maya appears in full ski outfit and holding ski sticks




    Let's do this thing! Maya puts on ski glasses




    Our challenge today is to cross the 2 km from home to highway WITHOUT hitting the obstacles




    The obstacles: 1- potholes (or "joora" for the experts)




    Obstacle 2: fixed potholes! (or "mtabb" for the pros)




    .Car shown from top view crossing road full of pothole. Depending on combination of pothole in an area, it is tagged "difficulty level 1 or 2" or even "oops... trap!"



    .Success! (car crosses ribbon)



    .What can I say? Living a video-game-life is such fun!

    And here’s how the daily pothole-crossing phenomenon is turned into fun! Any volunteers to turn this into a video or flash game? πŸ˜› Oh and by the way, I’ve never skied in my life and don’t intend to learn πŸ˜€ Hope you all have a beauuuutiful Monday, and here’s another jazzy song by Lisa Ekdahl whose music has been making my days sweeter. “My Heart Belongs to Daddeh!” Enjoy πŸ™‚

  • Fanart#8 + interview

    Today I got interviewed along with Ayman Itani & Samer Karam on Future TV by Amer Tabsh, in Alam Al Sabah morning show. So I got to publicly express how Twitter & Facebook have brought me closer to you my darlings! πŸ˜‰

    And here’s a very touching illustrated strip I got from Rita.

    Fanart from Rita el Hajj

    I have one thing to say to you Rita…

    Thank you Rita!

    Hope you enjoyed the show, and here’s a jazzy tune for you to enjoy on a breezy Sunday (a big thanks goes to Abz who has been emailing me beautiful jazzy songs!) Β Lisa Ekdahl’s But Not For Me from her album ‘Heaven Earth & Beyond’. Cheers!