New job musing

Bringing you new desk!

Actually, a more accurate depiction would be:

I'm still in euphoria-mode from new job. I guess the reason behind this can be simplified as follows [metaphorically speaking]

a while back... there was a box.

I know I’ve been talking a lot about this new step in my life, but this blog has always been and will always be the space to express myself, and I just had to draw those. Late night musings. This new job/setting/experience/life has given me splashes of motivation, positivity, that I can hopefully pass on to you as well 🙂

Yea at this stage I wouldn’t be surprised if I started liking techno. Ok not that much 😛 Here’s a [everything-but-techno] song for you 🙂 Have a wonderful day!

12 You Win Again


12 responses to “New job musing”

  1. lipanantsi Avatar

    lol, techno blahhhh!
    I’m not too sure about hormones of new job = hormones of love, bess whatever works 😉

  2. Lara Z Avatar

    I like the positivity!

  3. Tony Gunstone Avatar

    I had to follow your link to here from your blog on twitter as the key word ‘Musing’ caught my attention for some reason. I’m so glad that I did. Your self-reference on changing your job leading to new your new attitude in so cool in this “New Job Musing” blog putting a fresh perceptive on the expression of “Thinking Outside the Box”

    Love your style of illustrations Maya!

    Best regards


  4. Josephine Avatar

    I like the song of the day maya 🙂 i’ve been following ur blog recently and am eagerrrr to know what is this jobbbb that makes u that euphoriatic hahah anyway am so happy for u and wish u all the best!

  5. ABIR Avatar

    good luck maya so happy for u !!!!

  6. Mireille Avatar

    Glad you had a good experience while changing jobs 🙂 will make u love change in ur life 😀

    congrats and best of luck

  7. Riham Avatar

    You’re so cute Maya. I am glad you’re this positive and motivated!

  8. samah Avatar

    Good luck girl wish u all the best
    amazinnnggg blogg

  9. Nizar Avatar

    The singer Lhasa de Sela passed away in her Montreal home on the night of January 1st 2010, just before midnight. She succumbed to breast cancer after a twenty-one month long struggle, which she faced with courage and determination.
    Thanks Maya for posting her song

  10. […] a new job at (She has illustrations of this at her blog. You can check them here. ( She paid LAUsocial a second visit introducing to us the Creative Commons. The Creative Commons is […]

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