Nataloo show (UNCUT!)



















































Who puts a stair step atΒ the entrance of a door?!?! Good thing it wasn”t live! Since I can”t keep any secrets away from you, I decided to share with you this small mishap πŸ˜› Thanks again for all the support you gave on Twitter (and off, of course), I really enjoyed getting live feedback on the interview πŸ™‚ I was so worried they would not have cut out this part, and you were all watching… I”m so glad they did πŸ˜€ Here is the interview to those who missed it! (Notice how the part between entering the door and sitting in the salon is “missing!”)

Part 1:


Part 2:


Thanks to Christine, Nathalie & all the team of the show who made this happen.

Have a lovely long weekend, and happy adha to all concerned!! πŸ™‚

P.S. As you see I have been slow in posting, because a lot has been happening the last month, and I am officially tired and REALLY need a break. I do hope you forgive me! Will still keep you updated in all cases, but just at a bit slower rate… Don”t forget that the will be going until Dec 22.


10 responses to “Nataloo show (UNCUT!)”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by […]

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: The ‘CUT’ scene from Nataloo’s interview explained: :P…

  3. Tony Gunstone Avatar

    Sweet! I hope it’s only your pride that might of been hurt.

    Nice illustrations!!!

  4. Ecumenical Women Avatar

    Oh Maya!!! If that’s any consolation it happens to me ALL the time! I either fall or break things (preferably bottles of wine, I’ve been known to break them quite frequently). Congratulations on the interview :-)) Mwah

  5. Anonymos Avatar

    Sorry to say bass the minister of tourism is really bayekh…. He didn;t leave you even finish your sentences!!!! makes me pissed!!

  6. nahil Avatar

    hahaha i like how u drew ur eyes shut ENTER CONFIDENTLY πŸ˜€ nice one!

  7. Darine Sabbagh Avatar

    Good Homework digging Nataloo!!! Finally a professional journalist / editorial team! Maya, you’re starting to finally get used to it πŸ˜€

  8. Liliane Avatar

    as long as they pay you, mish bi balesh πŸ˜› 3am ta3mle di3aye la leb. you were very comfy khay πŸ™‚ (except for the fall i guess hehe)

    And tell them sar ktebik bi amerka kamen πŸ˜‰

  9. Mohammed E. Moussa Avatar
    Mohammed E. Moussa

    chapeau! πŸ™‚

  10. rouba Avatar

    lol! So cute & funny on your part!! πŸ˜‰ Can’t stop laughing at “your” face in “HA HA THAT WAS DONE ON PURPOSE” πŸ˜€ lol!!

    Glad to know the famous superstar of illustrations, the exquisite, the talented, the one and only Maya Zankoul … IS HUMAN! just like her fans! πŸ˜‰ lol!

    & btw, you did an excellent post-dramatic-fall job πŸ˜‰
    bises πŸ˜‰

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