My daily bread…




































































Just when I thought I had enough problems for one day! Sometimes I’m glad I’m not armed, because I would’ve had an appropriate answer to the “ma twekhzina danzelle” when Lello got to his car. I can’t stand it when visitors of the building block the way out for other cars, I’ve been through this countless times! Anyway, I wish you all a beautiful autumnal day! 🙂


19 responses to “My daily bread…”

  1. Wissam Avatar

    paint his car pink! that would teach him!

  2. Zouzeta Avatar

    hahaha heheheh
    well Danzelle, dont be afraid Lello is here 😛

  3. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    “I would’ve had an appropriate answer to the “ma twekhzina danzelle” when Lello got to his car.”

  4. Liliane (aka @funkyozzi) Avatar

    Ohhhhhhhh you poor thing!

    And quick advice look at the time before you ever get into an elevator, 8am, 10 am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm and 12 pm!!! just stay away for 10 minutes before and after

  5. mc Avatar

    but why the 7th floor?

  6. Patria Avatar

    “ma twekhzina danzelle”…! 😀

  7. […] My daily bread… « Maya’s Amalgam – Just when I thought I had enough problems for one day! Sometimes I’m glad I’m not armed, because I would’ve had an appropriate answer to the “ma twekhzina danzelle” when Lello got to his… (Read more)Just when I thought I had enough problems for one day! […]

  8. darinerachkidy Avatar

    ma twekhzina danzelle…hahahahahahaaaaa
    the worse is that he looks like his *@xx#@ car and his *@xx#@ manners !!!!!

  9. Luke Avatar

    I’m glad you didn’t get into your car and start honking. I hate it when that happens! But then again, maybe it would have paid off. donno

  10. Zerolando Avatar

    oh danzelle !!! why are you so impatient (sarcasm) 😉

  11. JOBOX Avatar

    ma twekhzina danzelle bas maniksh lebanese at all, enou Lello mizwi2 kelna mna3rfo, But ur not Lebanese at all, next time dear get into ur car w balchi zamrilo ta yenzal!

  12. Joe the Friend of the Sister Avatar
    Joe the Friend of the Sister

    That’s why you always have an ipod handy

  13. Saad Al Dosari Avatar

    It happens all the time. And what irritates me the most is the cold response you receive from such people!!

    I concur what you said; thanks God we do not carry weapons around!

  14. nahil Avatar

    hahahahaha sorry to hear that 😀 hope things get better!

  15. Noor "THE Mad Driver" Avatar
    Noor “THE Mad Driver”

    Just happened with me, an hour ago while heading to my office!

    My car and my neighbor’s were both blocked by a ‘luxury’ car parked in a very bad way.

    I got in my car, waited for ten minutes, honked like about 10 times, but no one appeared.

    Obviously, the driver needs some parking lessons! Even more, he needs manners!

    A devilish thought just popped out of my head! Time for some action and some fun! I started the engine, reversed the gear, and started moving back and forth, pushing the car with my car’s rear bumper. It was really fun!! But it didn’t last long! Just before the second knock, a man with a tuxedo, rushed out a nearby shop, like crazy He started inspecting his car while shouting! Then he quickly moved it out of my way.

    Turned out, that he saw me and chosen to ignore me and my honking.

    I know that this is a very bad way to handle such a situation, but at least I didn’t get stuck in an elevator!

    And Maya; Sometimes I’m NOT glad that I’m not armed! 🙂

    Note: no cars were harmed in this story.

  16. darinerachkidy Avatar

    i agree with Noor the mad driver” about “he chose to ignore me”…it’s all about manners.. they choose to ignore u, to irritate u in cold blood and they expect u to behave and be patient.. how about that???

  17. Paola Avatar

    I say: next time Lello does that, take your keys, and draw this story on his wonderfully decorated car. At leat your drawing are much much better than “Ghannoujet Baba”

  18. Mariloo Avatar

    seriously, danzel?? you WAITED??
    whatever happened to getting in your car and honking the hell out of your horn!!!

  19. Riham Avatar

    Hahaha, what’s up with waiting? Honk the hell out of his ears!

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