Meet the 3 ‘ELLEs’

Meet Vanessa, Nour & Ashley, the characters of my new comic that you will see every month in ELLE Oriental magazine. They’ll be discussing the month’s topic of the magazine from 3 different perspectives. They represent the different faces of the modern Arab women.

Illustrations for feb 2010 elle oriental magazine

This month’s topic is love & sex. Click on the image to view it in full size.Β (!)Β Text by ELLE Oriental editorial team.

Comic for February 2010 ELLE Oriental by Maya Zankoul

And let’s not break the tradition, I wish you a beautiful day with this song by Cat Power “Empty Shell”. Enjoy… πŸ™‚


22 responses to “Meet the 3 ‘ELLEs’”

  1. Ekios Avatar

    WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Merci Maya πŸ˜‰

    Ces illustrations tombent perfecto pour moi compte tenu de la matinΓ©e que j’ai eu !!

    Un grand grand merci :mrgreen:

    PS : GNIA !

    1. yara khatib Avatar
      yara khatib

      hy ana yara 3omre 11 ans bhab rasmetik ktir w hdortik 3ala nataloo w mtv

  2. Tarek Avatar


  3. Nour K Avatar

    But I don’t understand French… πŸ™

  4. nayla Avatar

    plz tell me u’re gona keep us posted πŸ™‚ i loved the characters. I am Vanessa πŸ˜€

  5. Haytham Khouja Avatar

    Outrageous !!! but funny πŸ˜›

  6. Thierry Avatar

    et maintenant en franΓ§ais !!! Great !!! πŸ˜€

  7. Riham Avatar

    Haha, I love it! Good job maya!

  8. Ms. M Avatar

    Congrats on Elle magazine! That is awesome!

  9. mc Avatar

    go maya go !!!

    nour has got beautiful eyes!

  10. Salam Avatar

    Really nice graphics and sense of humor, one thing though: Nour was raised in Qatar or in the Emirates? Top of page says one thing and bottom of page says another. Sorry, don’t mean to be picky:)

  11. BX Avatar

    Why Nour, the girl with the scarf, has to be the one with the dark skin? Kinda reminds me of Disney approach :-(.

  12. Lebnan Avatar

    Really cool comic!! I loved it.

    Are the three ladies supposed to be Lebanese? or is each one representing a different Middle Eastern Country?

  13. Chadi Avatar

    You confused us Maya.
    At first Nour grew up in Doha, Qatar but then Nour, 25 ans, est avocate. Elle a grandi aux Emirats…

    But I loved it πŸ™‚

  14. Jessy Avatar

    congrats maya! i loved it πŸ™‚

  15. Simon Avatar

    Noooooooooo! Not in french!
    Didn’t understand a word.
    Is it possible to release them in english as well?

  16. Talar Avatar

    Maya but y in french???? πŸ™

  17. zerolando Avatar

    mmm do not know what to think about the content though. Is it supposed to be sarcastic? and if not I am not sure if I should be thinking “stereotyping”… hmmm

  18. lamia Avatar

    je vient de faire ta connaissance ce matin sur MTV j’ai tout de suite ouvert ton blog: j’ai adore tes illustrations de ces 3 femmes…… et surtout en francais je te visiterais a chaque fois que je peux bravo continue…………..(en francais pleaseeeeeeeee)

  19. Mohammad Charaf Avatar

    Hi i liked very much this site it’s so amazing and thanks maya !!! πŸ™‚

  20. marriamb Avatar

    Impressive, Kool and Soooo Lebanese πŸ˜€ with the french, Arabic and English that must always be present in a conversation πŸ˜€ – β€œHey girls, keefkon? good? Je deteste ce climat…”

  21. K.line, de MPHM Avatar

    J’adore!!! Je viens de tomber sur ton blog! And I just loooove it!

    (PS : parmi les 3, je serai Ashley : je suis a Montreal et je fais HEC lol) ;p

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