Just like that…













































































‘Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c’est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours leur donner des explications.’

– Le Petit Prince, Antoine De St-Exupéry

I know this is an unusual post, but I just felt like adding something a little bit more personal than usual. This is dedicated to my little angel Nour, who always gives sense to my life when everything seems blurred or dark. Nour, I adore you. Nour checks the blog every morning when she wakes up, and I’m sure she will recognize herself in this post. We are the ones who should be called ‘with special needs’. We need special people like her around us to show us what life really is about.



24 responses to “Just like that…”

  1. nahil Avatar

    i like this post and the personal touch in it makes it very special too.

  2. dee Avatar

    u brought tears to my eyes!! big kisses to u and huuuuge kisses to Nour!! 😀

  3. reine Avatar

    🙂 i am having such a bad day today, i feel so hopeless and emontional at this moment, though ur post reminded me of my lil cousins, who makes me smile no matter what, and about my close friends, who keep on helping me carry on everytime i fall 🙂 i am grateful

  4. Thierry B. Avatar
    Thierry B.

    Wonderful post, Maya !!

  5. Mariloo Avatar

    what an absolutely adorable and touching post.
    kisses to you and Nour!!

  6. Ekios Avatar

    really touching 🙂

  7. Liliane Avatar

    you’re blessed with your sister Nour

  8. Nour K Avatar

    i’m guessing i’m not the Nour you’re talking about 😛 but i like the way you drew this, i think you should experiment more with this type of drawing, i like it, a lot! 🙂

  9. Dina Avatar

    I love this.
    Also: Le Petit Prince & Andy Mckee never fail to cheer me up.

  10. Loren Avatar

    This is very sweet! Getting a little personal can be very nice every so often. 🙂

  11. EZ Avatar

    I love you Nour 😀 (K)(K)(K)(K)(K)(K)(L)(L)(L)<3<3<3<3<3

  12. Doha Avatar

    ………………………………………… 🙁

  13. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    Nour the Angel

    This post is so emotive :'(

  14. JOBOX Avatar

    After reading this i need NOUR :O(

  15. Darine Sabbagh Avatar

    I’ve always been amazed by your unique relationship with your sister! this post is really sweet!

  16. Kj Avatar

    I know I couldn’t do what Nour does for you, but I wish I was there to at least try. Miss you mayyoucha! (finally with the hand 🙂 love where you’re going) xoxo

  17. Zouzeta Avatar

    I am sure she is
    i met her and i can tell u that she is exceptional, and amazingly loving

    hope you wil always be around her 🙂

  18. Wissam M Avatar
    Wissam M

    très émouvant :/
    merci pour ce post.

  19. darinerachkidy Avatar

    u touched my heart….
    the sketching is so talkative..
    big kiss from my 1.5 year old son to ur angel Nour

  20. Xena Avatar

    Wow this is so touching! it brought tears to my eyes 🙂
    How old is Nour?

  21. Patria Avatar

    I love this, big time.
    The drawing, the concept, the style, and Nour!
    Bisoux a vous deux!

  22. Grace Avatar

    :’)… CAN’T SAY A WORD ..

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