Jordan trip #1





























































And that was day #1 in Jordan. I’ll tell you about day #2 tomorrow.

I missed you guys so much!!! The stay in Amman was beautiful, we were overwhelmed by the Jordanian’s hospitality (Royal Film Commission, Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship, to name a few). When I say ‘we’ I mean the wonderful group of Lebanese artists with who I went on this trip. They are: Naeema Zarif, visual artist, and Mounia Akl & Cyril Aris, filmmakers. You guys were lovely to travel with!

More details about the CC Salon & what followed tomorrow! But I’ll give you a sneak peak: here’s a video of my presentation at the CC Salon (thanks Cyril for the video), photos tomorrow!


I’m glad to be back, have a lovely day 🙂


17 responses to “Jordan trip #1”

  1. RV Avatar

    Merci beaucoup pour le récit du voyage, j’ai hâte de connaître le second jour et bravo pour votre présentation en Jordanie !!!

  2. mc Avatar

    you look tired maya 🙂
    welcome back to manouché’s world

  3. mc Avatar

    I don’t smile because you look tired, but because with a “simple coup de crayon” you told us you’re tired

  4. Darine Sabbagh Avatar

    God Bless you Maya. Your energy is afflicting and you inspire all of us 😀 It’s good to have you back on Lebanese soil 🙂

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  6. Lina Avatar

    Hey Maya 🙂 it was wonderful meeting you, and I hope we’ll see you again in Amman, or Beirut. Looking forward to part two 🙂

  7. Paola Avatar

    Maya! I’m so happy for you! Cyril Aris and Mounia Akl did the Beirut I love video, they’re so great! Mabrouk, and looking forward to read the next blogs!

  8. Naeema Avatar

    Love itttttttttt …. where is the 10 minutes walk?????? hehehehehehehehehe Now going Back to Leb is another story 🙂 Love you Girrrllllll ….

  9. Thousand Reds Avatar

    “To go (& how) or not to go” Did you go eventually??? 🙂

  10. MohammadYaseen Avatar

    Dear Maya

    You are always welcome in your second country Jordan
    We’ve spent lovely times with you, We wish that you have more time to spend in Jordan.
    You are such a great personality… with this sense of humor and with those awesome comics 😉

    Best of luck in your exhibition

  11. Joe the Friend of the Sister Avatar
    Joe the Friend of the Sister

    Bravoooo Mayaaaaaaa. That was excellent 🙂

  12. Maggieak Avatar

    I had the same dilemma with the WC, to go or not to go. The thing is that it was a one day round trip…. I didn’t go

  13. Samah Avatar

    Dear Maya
    i loved it sooo much
    I wish you all the best
    and welcome back

  14. dotsisx Avatar

    Awesome post as always Maya, and once again you picture my exact thoughts. I esp enjoyed the two borders images as I had them both. The “to go or not to go” dilemma eventually resulted in me not going 😉 and the Good By sign is something I will NEVER EVER forget! That was friggin hilarious on an official sign on a border. I have it on a photo: 🙂

  15. mounia akl Avatar
    mounia akl

    Maya !
    So cool to read this. Addiction is back !
    Can’t wait for #3!

  16. nahil Avatar

    😀 sou2al.. last time i saw such a toilet.. maken fi trash can 7ado u shuda drawn nabrish :D:D:D:D and we shuda seen that sexy character of urs tryin to use that toilet 😀 with hands 3al 7et holdin on to! hahaha i love it.. tryin to imagine ur character doin it

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