
Newspaper that reads: "Expect most innovative innovation of innovations"




Newspaper that reads: "The Chosen product to be announced today by Steve Jobs"




Maya eating pop corn in front of her laptop, saying "hush, it started!" (about Apple's Keynote)




Steve Jobs says: "I was out of ideas, so I thought, let's mix what we already have. We have a laptop, and we have an iphone. Let's make something in between".




Hands shown "baking" the iphone "so we took the iphone and we enlarged it like that"



Person shown ironing the iphone




And voila! The iPad is born! Incredible!




Maya, disappointed: "I just wasted this pop corn for nothing!"




what we learned today: when something requires THAT MUCH marketing before its announcement, it must mean the product in itself is not enough to convince. Steve Jobs must be mocking us - in my humble opinion. iPass this sophistication tool and stick to my dear macbook.

As you can see I was disappointed by yesterday’s announcement, let alone how the name was ridiculed on Twitter later on with the #iTampon jokes. Anyway, I was expecting all this because of all the media buzz. Have a great day! πŸ™‚ And here’s a song for you (that I heard on the radio yesterday and reminded me of the old days :D)


22 responses to “iPass”

  1. Charbel Saad Avatar
    Charbel Saad

    haha! i totally feel you, maya, i was as excited and as disappointed πŸ˜›

  2. Roba Avatar

    Hilarious! πŸ˜€ Love the roller pin allusion. I am REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoying your blogging. That’s saying something when I work with blogs πŸ™‚

  3. Beshr Kayali Avatar

    I’m disappointed πŸ™
    What about iBooks? is’n it too cool!
    Ya3ni I guess I agree that the name is silly, but the device is cool!
    Not expected != Not cool πŸ™‚
    Ba3den 7aram Steve Jobs ;-(

  4. Ekios Avatar

    Congratulation for your reaction, your not a cheep πŸ™‚

  5. Nahil Avatar

    eno hayde kif badna nsaye3a bl jezden πŸ˜›

  6. Nahil Avatar

    haha ba3den 7abet el roller wel mekweye πŸ˜€ 3anjad maba3rif mn wen btotla3e fiyoun πŸ˜›

  7. Ahmad Humeid Avatar

    Great post.. Nice way to flatten an iPod touch πŸ™‚

    But on the subject matter of this post I would say: not so hasty. I view this as a process of incremental innovation. I think Apple figured that laptops do their job really well.. so why change them and re-engineer MacOS X as a complex touch interface. That would be a “bolt on” solution. They went for a cleaner solution. Now, app developers can (and will) surprise us with what this device can do.

    I think we’re all stuck with “why isn’t it like a laptop” mindset, and we still have not seen all the possibilities of the new device.

    Lack of a camera is inexcusable though!

  8. Ekios Avatar

    Just one point guys, this “thing” ain’t able to run to apps in the same time … you can surf on the web and have a chat app in the main time … common … even the cheapest cellphone can do two things in the same time πŸ™‚

  9. Joe Avatar

    I was disappointed as well (Popcorn prepared as well)
    Though you should admit its a nice product nevertheless!

  10. Varun Avatar

    I just loved your post !

    100% agree with you.

    Did you see the promo video .. So much of marketing for the product in the vid too .

    Good products sell themselves . Bad Products need marketing πŸ˜›

  11. Taline Avatar

    i can’t believe it!!! hahahaha… yesterday i was like this product is mam3ous using el shawbak. and lyoom i seeeee that you illustrated the same! hahhaha so cool so weird!!!
    love ur work πŸ˜€
    p.s.: i was showing my friend in class one of ur illustrations and he was like ANH she’s my friend! and the guy was johnny abi allam πŸ™‚

  12. rouba Avatar

    very smart as always πŸ™‚

    I wasn’t on twitter when all this happened & I was shocked today to learn iTampon actually trended!! I watched a few videos on YouTube and yes, unfortunately it does look like one big iPod, which I already own πŸ˜› will I buy the bigger version? mmmh… lol

    (I won’t lie, hubby was thinking about it… but he hasn’t yet read anything & I have a feeling the geek within him will be quite disappointed :P)

  13. theFool Avatar

    Even though I own most of their products, call me a sucker for also getting the iPad. Just package it in glitter red, and make it useful while facilitating my life, and I’ll give them my clothes.

  14. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: My humble opinion about the #iPad http://bit.ly/aQve8v

  15. mc Avatar

    did you know that :

    “Steve Jobs est fils d’une mΓ¨re amΓ©ricaine, Joanne Carole Schieble, et d’un pΓ¨re syrien, Abdulfattah John Jandali, professeur de sciences politiques, il est nΓ© Γ  San Francisco en Californie. Il fut adoptΓ© peu aprΓ¨s sa naissance par Paul Jobs et Clara Jobs vivant Γ  Mountain View en Californie. Ses parents biologiques se mariΓ¨rent un an plus tard et eurent un autre enfant, l’auteur Mona Simpson.”

  16. Ahmad Osman Avatar
    Ahmad Osman

    Oh I have just noticed the new – what do you call it – bookmark for the website. You know, that asterisk. Most appropriate.

  17. FARAH AWADA Avatar


  18. Bassem B. Avatar
    Bassem B.

    Everyone I know with some common sense had the same reaction. This is sillier than the Macbook Air.

    Dear Apple, please page me when you make a version of this that lets me run multiple apps at the same time.

  19. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rita El Khoury, Georges Azzi, Mohammed S.KAYYALI, Sherry Lowry, dobror and others. dobror said: RT @mich1mich: Looooool Brilliant!!! Read this pleeeeaaassseee! RT @MayaZankoul: My humble opinion about the #iPad http://bit.ly/aQve8v […]

  20. rebghb Avatar

    it’s just that yesterday my friend tagged me in a photo for the ipad, he is a mac freak, and i hate mac, weird, if u consider the timing πŸ˜€ totally agree, lets make it general as u’ve said…

  21. Rabih Avatar

    Maya do you seriously sit like that? crossing your legs? Coz i’m the only person I know who sits like that on a chair πŸ˜€ I even sit this way at the office on an office chair, which takes some acrobatic moves to achieve πŸ˜€

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