Internet disorders




















































































































































We waited, what? 10 years for DSL! (I wasn’t even in Leb yet and hearing people talking about the arrival of DSL). Well maybe it wasn’t thought of that DSL needs electricity, and we have SERIOUS electricity problems. I don’t know if it’s summer effect, but I feel that lately rationing has become irrational! No lights at night, sometimes 12 consecutive hours of rationing and more! I hear people talking about simple solutions to the problem… Such as using the energy from the “jabal zbeleh” and such things. I hope that someone will act about it soon! Until then, I wish you a bright and happy day ! 🙂


23 responses to “Internet disorders”

  1. […] This post was Twitted by mayazankoul […]

  2. Lana Avatar

    Hahaha I love this!

  3. EZ Avatar

    hahah S.Tazeh 😀

  4. Joelle Avatar

    hahahahahahahaha!! this is insane, lebanon is insane! 😀

  5. nightS Avatar

    araf ye2refon..i’m suffering from all of these disorders..everyday I go through this..every single day..
    and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to end soon..

  6. Hany Avatar

    Do as I do :

    Connect your DSL Router to a UPS! I swear it works! 🙂

  7. nahil Avatar

    looooool come to usa work here seriously 😀

  8. Ahmad Osman Avatar

    What I heard was that if all the money claimed to have been spent on fixing the electricity were actually spent on the electricity, it would have been enough to fully run a country as large as France for five years (not sure of the number of years though).

    On another note, I did not really get how the first situation represents OCD – I really like the overall structure, however.

  9. Thierry B. Avatar
    Thierry B.

    😀 😀 😀
    I really like this one !!!

  10. Lara the sis Avatar
    Lara the sis

    hahahahaha brilliant !!

  11. edualc Avatar

    Do you know why DSL took 10 years to reach Lebanon.
    It was lost in traffic 🙂

  12. Mira Avatar

    Love it! Soooooooooo true!

  13. darinerachkidy Avatar

    sooo true… the case do not only apply to DSL ! when i’m watching tv, the channel goes off for sometimes 3 hr, anjad … i call the lazy provider he says the famous quote ** the problem is in ur electricity, M’amm**… chou el issa…is it true that electricity failure is the mother of all our worries .. or hamdella..they are all conspiring on us !!!
    hummm…..let me think again…i think i know the answer now???? !!!! what about u !!!

  14. Ali Avatar

    hahahah 😀 sadly it’s very true

  15. Marillionlb Avatar

    Try living in the mountains with no electricity at night (no VAP). Even when the electricity is available the connection is much slower than it was. Blame it on the tourists that are using way too much bandwidth.

  16. Fadi Avatar

    Thing is that we lack electricity, water and decent internet but we still think that we are better than everyone else on earth because we have Gemmayzé, centre-ville and lots of Hummers in the streets. We are so status oriented that we forget the essential things in life!

  17. Mimo Avatar

    Hahaha I love it!!!

  18. dee Avatar

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mayaaaaa!!! u r amazingggg!! abel i used to be angry whenever these stuff happens with me.. now al i have to do is rememeber this & laugh!!! 3anjed u spice up life! keep it up!

  19.  Avatar

    heheheeh i love it
    but maya thank god u dont live in the south
    because the electricity cut is each 6hours and it sucks

    better luck next time:)

  20. Rain Avatar

    LoL that is what we pass through all the time here in lebanon

  21. Jesse Avatar

    HAHAHAH loved it…. especially about the refresh thing lol it happens to me so many times every day! 😛

  22. […] are some psychological symptoms you might face while using the Internet in Lebanon. (Via Maya’s […]

  23. […] can see previous Internet naggings I’ve done here & […]

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