History repeats itself

True Story: They FINALLY removed the "iso and elissar" poster from dbayeh highway! Joy! Happiness!



I'm sure they will replace it with a cultural event!



Or environmental! Or educational! Or even artistic!






Presenting... Elianor & Elissar!






I'm left with drinking it away.


Believe it or not, this story is 100% true! [Well, except the drinking part, it’s not true just yet.] I wish you all a lovely Monday, with today’s song ‘Wild Horses’ & I’m not exactly sure who sings it… Enjoy! 🙂

Wild Horses


27 responses to “History repeats itself”

  1. Wadad Avatar

    no way, ma32oul rasson? OMG

  2. Paola Avatar

    LOL! Haram Maya! (And Haram the rest of the Lebanese Population, forced to endure Elissar and Elianor)
    Elissar is probably rolling in her grave, from Phoenician Queen to Dancer on Dbayeh Highway!

  3. Haytham Khouja Avatar

    burn it down!!! burn it down!!!

  4. Sanaa Avatar

    ha ha ha 😀
    you made laugh till crying, nice!!
    I will remember you each time a pass by that peace of art 🙂

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: True story: History repeats itself http://bit.ly/dmHJj7

  6. Zeina Gabriel Avatar
    Zeina Gabriel

    Hi Maya,
    Don’t be sad 🙂 That’s the way it is in Lebanon 🙂 What do you expect ? Posters like the ones of Haifa, Elissar and Elianor make big money, posters of different “”” intellectual”” events would not have a much effect on people 🙂 I wonder who will look at them… Why don’t we start by educating people ?

  7. Lara Fakhri Avatar
    Lara Fakhri

    Looooooool… it’s a good one, well expect the unexpected in Lebanon!!!

  8. darine Avatar

    Hi Maya,

    The player shows that the song is by Sara Mclahlan but there are many great versions of Wild Horses such as ones by Jewel , Bon Jovi, U2…. I love this song 🙂

  9. Simon Ayoub Avatar
    Simon Ayoub

    This is tooo funny!

    i’m sorry Maya, i don’t mean to laugh at your sorrow, but this is a brilliant post, the way you built up suspense to reach the climax of the post, the reveal, then BOOOMM, they are back!

    I guess at the end, elianor and elissar attract more money and attention then “environmental, educational, or even artistic” message would!

    thats the ugly world we live in…

  10. hamed sinno Avatar
    hamed sinno

    i dont get it. belly dancing is a cultural event. its also quite artistic. its very difficult to pull off so the performers study hard to learn how to do it. and its not exactly harming the environment…

    1. maya farhat Avatar
      maya farhat

      I think it’s more in regards of that hufge posters showing 2 women almost naked…. It’s just the image of the perfect woman shown again and again and again…

      But I agree, belly dancing is beautiful and graceful.. but not that poster 🙂

  11. issam Avatar

    I think hamed sinno has got a point, but in fact these are not truely cultural or
    profetional dancers… They’re just “commercial” let’s say

  12. Michael Abou Atme Avatar

    Sugar on a spoon? On fire? Someone’s drinking absinthe like a true connoisseur!

  13. it's mE!! Avatar
    it’s mE!!

    I didn’t get it. Would someone please explain…

  14. Rudy chidiac Avatar

    haha lol i never saw that ad XD luckily ye3ne.. 😛 x) maya i love you <3

  15. Sarah Avatar

    hehehehhe yes i passes by 2 days ago on my way to Jbeil and i laughed and felt bad at the same time…neway hope that Eliannor and Elissar are happy 🙂

  16. Elie Avatar

    seriously ?! hahahahha

    well, apparently Elissar is becoming a cultural event in lebanon ! ahahhah
    should we gather the torches ? 😉

  17. maya farhat Avatar
    maya farhat

    That is so funny!!! I came to Lebanon last September for a month after 12 long years… and the first thing I noticed in Beirut was that horrid poster !! Oh my God!!! I can’t believed they simply replaced one of the girls !!!!!

    By the way !! love your book, I discovered it shopping at Antoine at ABC. Me too I am a graphic Artist (based in Montreal, Canada) and I could relate to your stories… they happened to designers everywhere!!!

    Do you have other books ???? Thanks, Maya

  18. Na! Avatar


    I can’t listen to the song because I’m @ a conference right now but Wild Horses of a Rolling Stones song, in which case, great choice!


  19. MG Avatar

    well… from some perspective I’m sure it can be considered to be cultural, educational, and artistic event (though I doubt environmental)… sadly (or luckily) I still haven’t found that perspective…

  20. annie Avatar

    Hahahahahhaa how vulgar they are loool sooo plastic with loads of make up I really like the way you portray them with the thick Lebanese aesthethic eyebrows loool you made my day !!!!

  21. jimena Avatar

    Oh my! what a bummer for you to past over there every single day and to be forced to see that piece of crap!!! I am so sorry, I guess they are preparing for the summer visitors and trying to attract them that way but my! If you see the billboards around lots of them are about looks, women, sex, suggestive poses, etc. It only gets worse with the summer season approaching and all the frenzy about getting fit for it, being “sexy” and all that. And I should say that is not only in Lebanon, this is the way the world is wired nowadays. Merchants use sex and women to sell and it must be working cause it’s not stopping.
    Anyways! It’s good to have a space to rant about it. Have a nice day, Jimena

  22. Najib Avatar

    Well it still beats seeing fraud Zein el Atat posters all over the road.

  23. darinerachkidy Avatar

    these belly dancers are sooooo ugly on the poster with all the photoshop tricks….what do u think they might look like on stage wearing those costumes !!!

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    cheap diamond rings

    Great writing style, reading this blog via RSS as well. thanks.

  25. cna training Avatar

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

  26. myrz Avatar

    noooooooo! izo was my favorite!! and now she’s gone??!

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