High-priority salutation































GRRRRRRRR! Can you believe it? All this honking turned out to be a very creative and thoughtful way of saying hello to someone you cross in the middle of the road.Β Regarding the “truck that fell 3 days ago” that I’m referring to, here it is and here’s the aftermath. And before I leave you to your busy days, here’s a song for you! πŸ™‚ Sarah Slean, Get Home. Have a great day!

<– If this gives you “file not found” you can listen here.

On a side-note: my designer-colleague Arine left the office to do her masters yesterday! I wish her all the best of luck for the coming year, will miss her a lot!


20 responses to “High-priority salutation”

  1. rouba Avatar

    ahhh how I love the sounds of Lebanon… πŸ˜‰ hihihi!

    well, you can at least take comfort in the fact that it wasn’t an accident (although it could have easily caused one, but that’s not our business right? :P)

  2. Hussam Avatar

    I *hate* .. repeat .. *HATE* excessive honking. Blekh!

    btw thanks for using the Harmonic sum πŸ˜€

  3. Delirious Avatar


    I’m sorry all these misadventures happen to you, but I’m also glad they do, because they give you something funny to blog about πŸ˜‰

  4. annie Avatar

    Haha this what I love about Beirut the chaos hehe

  5. . Avatar

    Very nice…that’s true….by the way, you should wear your seat belt…

  6. Lara Z Avatar

    hahahahahhahahahah this is hilarious!! i like the a7wal truck, he looks so stupid and annoying

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  8. darinerachkidy Avatar

    the face of the policeman changing from a serious macho man (what’s that sound) to a complete fool/idiot in ahlaaaaan, glad u didn’t sketch him eating man2ouche…hehehehe

  9. Hussam Avatar

    What a way to start your day! Hope the rest turns out better πŸ™‚

  10. Washi Avatar

    Maya, thanks for this daily dose of fun πŸ˜€
    I can’t wait to visit the ME later this year…

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  12. Mimo Avatar

    Hahahahaha!!!! Nice one Mayoush!!

  13. Beshr Kayali Avatar

    tayyeb maya πŸ˜›

    ma fe shi… bas 3am 2ool hiii πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    3an jad kteer annoying πŸ˜›

  14. mc Avatar

    la chaleur humaine ds ce pays :)))

  15. reine Avatar

    fun,fun and fun =D if i was in ur place i would have started a fight with the officer about it

  16. The Cooking Ninja Avatar

    lol! That’s a good one. My husband and I witness a very special case two months ago. Two cars stopped at the traffic light in front of us, owners quickly got out of car (we thought they had banged each other). Guess what? Just to kiss each other on the cheeks to say ‘hello’ and hop right back into their own car.

  17. karel Avatar


  18. Neo Avatar

    LOL! Your Comic Strip Sure is Funny!
    You kinda go into my mind on that,
    and i always keep asking, what the hell is this Undying Love Story of the Lebanese & The Honk of their Horns! πŸ˜›
    gr8 Job Maya πŸ™‚

  19. Nanorig Avatar

    Hey Maya .. I’m From Torossian..Well.. I liked Your Drawings so muchh .. and I wish I could Know the ways to draw like this ..or Is it a Program on the PC??Thank You Have a Nice Day mwah

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