Fanart #2

And this week’s fanart was sent to me by the lovely Mireille (@migheille) author of the blog Thank you so much Mireille for this beautiful ASCII art! Click on the image to view it in large size.


ch33r5 ! – m!r fr0m l1f3g33k3d.c0m

Here is Mireille’s message along with the art:ย “ASCII FAN ART !!!!!ย  ๐Ÿ˜›ย well ok… it is bit nerdy ! i admit ! but hope it still counts as fan art !ย I can do something in colors , and another image if u want”

Thank you SO much Mireille! It totally counts as fanart.. never crossed my mind to do those illustrations in ASCII! Brilliant & creative ๐Ÿ™‚



5 responses to “Fanart #2”

  1. Mireille Avatar

    well it didn’t cross my mind that you will post it as is :S !

    I would have added something else as a comment ๐Ÿ™

    Anyway, glad that you liked it ๐Ÿ™‚ and thanks for posting this

    btw did you notice that you are humming ( I <3 geeks ? ) ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. nahil Avatar

    thats insane how did u do that !

  3. Mireille Avatar

    nahil , for the ASCII art , I used to do a lot of that a while back when i was at uni in uni lab ( there was no internet , and everything was blocked except notepad )

    Eventually we got bored and started using some tools / software to do it , the algorithm is quite simple , u use the software to read the image pixel by pixel, then replace the non white pixel with a letter using the corresponding color
    ( for colored ascii art )

    if you want me to do something for you email it to lifegeeked [at] gmail [dot] com ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. […] Fanart #2 ยซ Mayaโ€™s Amalgam […]

  5. darinerachkidy Avatar

    amazing and very creative….bravo!

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