Elections, elections, elections…





















































When I asked about the date of the elections, they told me in JUNE! If the elections pressure is already THAT strong mid april, I wonder what will happen the week before the elections–if we survive till then! All the billboards and unipoles are covered with elections, people talk about elections all the time, radio, TV, internet, everywhere! Its starting to get quite annoying… Please people just take the elections easy, and let’s not make a big fuss about them alright?


10 responses to “Elections, elections, elections…”

  1. a.m. Avatar

    hey thats just a preview lol. brace yourselves for the unexpected!
    the best is yet to come.

  2. IngZ Avatar

    HAHAHAHA! totallyyy waiting for that specific 7 June!a date to remember! I liked the “U can Vote even with Plastic surgery”,thanks for letting everybody to vote :P,hehe coz they r dying for a voter actually!i really liked ur relevant comments Mayazzz!:D:D

  3. moussa Avatar

    simply beautiful… excellent… 🙂

  4. Eugenie Bitar Avatar
    Eugenie Bitar

    “tu es un artiste toi “:P:P
    envia este link maya a todas las personas que conoces de verdad lo apreciaran 😉

  5. […] sur le blog Maya’s amalgam “Et puis il y a celles [les affiches] qui vont encore plus loin. Même refaite, vous pouvez […]

  6. layla Harmouche Avatar
    layla Harmouche

    Hahahahaha, really nice . Excellent !

  7. Dima Avatar

    heyyy mayaaaaA..y3ne shu bedde illek…we(my colleagues and i:P) start our dayyy with yourrrr postsss and we love them..we even forward them to friends..lol..
    goodd work maya..
    ps.did u see the new ads of””””changeee””” with the remote controllll thingg..ma2oulllllllll!!!!!!!1..heheh..u should make one on it..lol

    tC..keep it upp..

  8. Charbel A. Avatar
    Charbel A.

    dunno if u do…but i also hate the young ppl, my age for example(17-18), yale bya3mloule halon fehmanin bel siyese,,,,,eno DUDE WHAT CAN U DO? WHAT CAN U CHANGE! SKOT W ROUH 7KILAK MA3 CHI BENET!!! ma fahamak be chi! (wala fahhamne, proudly)

  9. Liliane Avatar

    “Ana rbe7et bil tazkiye, LOL” <– haha

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