Distance is relative




























































No matter what I do, I can’t seem to learn the exact limits of my car! And because 5 years ago a parking attendant told me to go back, and I trusted him and went back and ended up hitting the car behind me, I don’t ever trust parking attendants. But I know I need to work on this distance optical thing. Now I’m not sure if defining the car limits is really related to gender, but at least I’m fully aware that I do NOT know the limits of my car. πŸ™‚ And here’s a nice song to brighten up your Monday (More Than Words, Extreme), Enjoy! πŸ™‚

(I MIGHT be slow in posting during this week because I have sooooo much to do [lecture+workshop-CC presentation-CCF exhibition- work], so please forgive me, I promise you’ll be on my mind all the time!)Β So here’s another song to express the situation I’m in (Under Pressure, Queen & David Bowie)


27 responses to “Distance is relative”

  1. Qifa Nabki Avatar

    Wlik rja7eh!!!! πŸ˜‰

    Good one.

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  3. Bissextile Avatar

    If there’s something I like more than your cute drawings, it’s gotta be your choice of music!
    Chapeau for both πŸ˜€
    Cheers Maya πŸ˜‰

  4. TY Avatar

    rja3… rja3… rja3… bas!! labadit!!

  5. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by mayazankoul: Do you know the limits of your car? http://bit.ly/mjQny

  6. Thierry B. Avatar
    Thierry B.

    I like this one πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. Liliane Avatar

    if you’re going slowly, don’t be afraid even if you hit the car behind you nothing will happen (Parisian people do it all the time) ! plus you have a small car πŸ˜› rja3e w ma tkhafe lol

  8. Chantal Avatar

    Volvo rje3 πŸ˜‰

  9. anonymous Avatar

    definitely a gender problem!

  10. Lara the sis Avatar

    i wanna know who wrote the sexist comment ! -_-

  11. Haytham Khouja Avatar

    hahahahahahahahah, raheeb!

  12. marillionlb Avatar

    Why do you think cars`have bumpers hein????? πŸ™‚

  13. Thousand Reds Avatar

    Com on Maya, it’s easy to know the limits… Go back slowly, and when you slightly hit the car behind you, it means you have to stop…

  14. Paola Avatar

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Maya it’s so me parking the stupid car and my french instructor going “Mais c’est bon lΓ  Paola, mets tes roues droites et vas-y doucement en marche arriΓ¨re! Elle est loin la voiture!!!!!!!!”

  15. mc Avatar

    This summer, the parking attendant told me to go back, and I trusted him and went back and ended up hitting the …………… rock behind me πŸ™‚

  16. CMG Avatar

    Hit the car behind you – that’s what a bumper’s for! LOL.

  17. Farah Avatar

    hahhahaha that is the most thing i hate when someone is there to tell me how to park, i really park perfectly but the moment a ” man” starts telling me how to park i do it all wrong !!

  18. Rawad Avatar

    I’ve always had trouble with relative space recognition when driving, but then again even though I’m 25 I drive like an old man πŸ˜›

  19. EZ Avatar

    mart el jei ana bsoffellek yeha ;p

  20. Rami Avatar

    “Now I’m not sure if defining the car limits is really related to gender”.

    My wife will make a claim that its “socially constructed”, and I will nod with my head (obviously in accordance)

  21. Jobox Avatar

    Thx god you have a Yaris and not a YUKON LOLOLOL
    You have to practice it is easy!

  22. darinerachkidy Avatar

    the way ur pinching the parking attendant’s face …loollllll, …is he a jigolo or an old fat man…heheheheh

  23. Liliane Avatar

    let me tell you how it is gender related, guys aren’t afraid of hitting the car in front of them or behind them πŸ˜› hence distance is no longer relevant

    Moreover Maya, I once listened to an idiot who kept telling me to go back and I knew i shouldn’t anymore, but he nagged so much so I did, and the exhaust ended up falling down lol

  24. Patria Avatar

    Hahah! I sOOO love the attitude of the man! Ahama chi the eyes closed! Hafezo lal parking!

  25. Rita El Khoury Avatar

    Heh, mni7a, me and my friend, we have a dual imaginary scene for this kind of situation:

    Scene 1:
    Parking guy: rja3eh rja3eh rja3eh…
    *BOUV* (u hit the car behind u b ouwweh)
    Parking guy (3al reiyi2): eh bass!

    Scene 2:
    Parking guy: rja3eh rja3eh rja3eh…
    *BOUV* (u hit the car behind u b ouwweh)
    Parking guy: rja3eh rja3eh rja3eh
    You: wlek darabit, wein ba3d baddeh erja3?!
    Parking guy (3al reiyi2 kamein): darabit, bass ba3d ma ba3ajit.

    Hihihi, i *LOVE* the second scene πŸ™‚

  26. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Maya Zankoul. Maya Zankoul said: .@toniyammine ok i know i'm super-late, but I just got your comment "rja3..rja3.. bass! labadit!" on my parking post!!! http://bit.ly/ctMCUM […]

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